toptigerz Member


  • ^^^ what she said :-) I found although weighing all my food and measuring fluids a bit of a pain at times it was very valuable, especially at first, as I would have totally under estimated the calories going in (I was lucky I also had a supportive hubby willing to weigh stuff when he cooked). I found actually logging…
  • I agree - Strava has more info to base the calculateion on when you've input the bike details so I've been using that. I have Strava linked to MFP so I don't need to input anything as it automatically syncs to it. I used to use mapmyride before Strava (and still do for my horse riding) but that always seems pretty generous…
  • I'm very glad I've seen this thread! :laugh: I have been doing the Global Corporate Challenge with work (10,000 steps a day for 100 days) and want something to remind me to stay active and not revert to being a couch potato after work when it's over! I'm thinking maybe a fitbit looking at all the comments, whereas I had…
  • You're 5'6" and 120 lbs. Honestly, you should not even be trying to lose any more weight. With your low calories and over doing it on cardio, you are the perfect candidate for losing lbm. [/quote] I agree. I'm only 1" taller and although I'm quite big boned (broad shoulders and hips) and relatively fit (regularly horse…