Sammie51013 Member


  • Peta, my kitty would try to rub up on me when I was doing 30 DS too!! Then all her fur would get stuck in my sweatiness lol you are right, both our cats were the snuggliest, most loving animals I have ever met. It's been hard, our cat thats still alive is lonely. Great work with Body Revolution! You must be so strong by…
  • Hey Peta, I just got around to starting Ripped in 30. Today is day 2 for me and OMG I am sore!!!! I couldn't even sit today lol but I am glad to be back in it. I took two weeks off, although not purposely. I was sick the first week after Thanksgiving, and then my cat got very sick and had to be put down last week. She…
  • That's amazing!!!! You should be so proud of yourself. Hard work really paid off! You deserve it :) Great job! Thanks for the info on ripped in 30, sounds like a good next step for me after this.
  • Wow, back from my trip and you look awesome!!!!!! Congratulations! And Peta, two weeks into Ripped in 30 already? That's great! I'm hoping to start soon myself. Is it harder than 30 day shred? It sounds really tough. Sorry to hear about your surgery though, that sounds tough.
  • Oh no, that sounds terrible! Take it easy and don't push yourself. I had a really bad stomach virus and as soon as I got better, I was so hungry for real food I devoured a cheeseburger ... bad idea!!!! Just work on getting better
  • Nice job, you're in the home stretch!! I am really falling off the wagon. I have level 3 day 5 completed, but have been so busy with appointments and work this week. I feel like I am making excuses, but I really have been exhausted. I am hoping to do day 6 tonight.
  • Peta, those are amazing results!!! Congratulations!! Your hard work paid off :smile: mrmrsvoelkel - I hope you feel better in time to celebrate! Happy Birthday!!!!
  • Peta, AMAZING! How do you feel?? I'm so happy for you! I would be interested in Ripped in 30 after my trip. I get back the 23rd. We are going to St John in the USVI :smiley: Aine - Plie jumps made my thighs soooooo sore!!! They are brutal and I don't even go all the way down!
  • That's so awesome, great job!!! I hate burpees, I give you so much credit!!!
  • Wow, AWESOME work!! I was thinking of doing Ripped in 30 when I am done too. I just did level 3 day 2 yesterday, though, so it might take me a few weeks to start. My goal is just to be done with level 3 by next week because I go on vacation the 15th! I've been so darn busy.
  • Hope you feel better soon!!! This workout definitely isn't one you can do when feeling under the weather ... at least not for me!
  • Ah, maybe that's it. I do it from my feet. My weights are a little bit higher off the ground, which I think leads to me losing my balance lol but that could be why you are having some pain.
  • I haven't noticed hurting my knuckles yet from that move, but I'll keep it in mind and let you know if it starts to bother me. It is a hard move for sure!!! I do find I lose my balance and fall over sometimes while lifting the weight lol
  • Finally made it to level 3 ... it was hard, but I was able to do it. I swear, Jillian's workouts make me feel like I haven't spent the last year at the gym at all. I guess it means I picked the right one for me. The only thing I don't do out of level 3 are the rock-star jumps ... my downstairs neighbor doesn't really…
  • Happy Halloween!!! I love candy, it's hard for me lol Hope everybody has a great weekend!
  • I was bad this week, was so busy with work and appointments and only got to Level 2 Day 8 last night, but that's ok. Now I can keep going! It is hard taking two days off though! Great work everybody, hope you are all doing well and pushing through!
  • Wow, that's awesome! Good for you getting back into the gym and hitting the ground running!
  • I didn't go as far down with the lunges this time, felt better on my knees. I did day 7 of level 2 and I still have sweat flying off my face by the end! I guess I needed this workout lol I bet it is easier for you because 1. you are getting stronger and 2. 6 am workouts suck! haha
  • So I have a previous neck/shoulder injury (whiplash from car accident years ago) and it seems level two is really messing with it. I don't know if it is all the upper body/plank work or I am doing my ab work wrong. I am trying to follow Jillian's advice regarding not engaging the neck when doing crunches, but finding it…
  • Yeah, I do mean protein shakes. I think it helped me develop muscle tone a little more. I do need to watch the cals too though. I reached the halfway point today - level 2, day 5. My goal for the next 15 is to eat healthier too ... but I LOVE ice cream and sweets :blush: so it's hard .... I agree, Aine, the squat thrusts…
  • I never saw improvement in muscle tone in previous workouts until I started drinking protein after. Then I started to see more results. Not sure if it was that, but I still do it.
  • Maybe snack on some veggies? I have trouble curbing appetite too ... I have a sweet tooth as well that gets me into trouble.
  • Yes, it seems worth it already so keep with it! I might rotate once I get through the three levels myself. My husband says he can see a difference and I look more toned. It feels good to feel stronger.
  • The planks are killer!!!! Took a day off yesterday ... that time of the month and my arms were sore ... back at it after work today! Great job, everybody!
  • Missy - just finished my masters in marriage and family therapy this past may! Glad you are joining the field too :smile:
  • My husband got a bar from a tag sale, you never know where you'll find one! Missy - that's awesome if you become an instructor! A great incentive to workout - money lol it sounds fun too! Aine - I used to try 6 am workouts but just struggled through so badly. I give you so much credit for doing it. Mrmrsvoelkel - nice with…
  • Aine, I was getting bored too towards the end of level 1. Level 2 is hard but it is a nice change of pace and style! I felt prepared for it after 10 days of 1, but still feel very challenged by it too.
  • Missy, that's awesome that you can fit it in even with all of your other obligations! It's so hard to motivate when you aren't done until that late. How do you like jazzercise?
  • Glad you are staying :smile: Feel free to share your knowledge! Level 2 was HARD last night... I was dying through it all and sweating like crazy!
  • Aw, well of course your safety/not getting injured is most important!! Please stick around and keep us posted! It's been nice having your support :smile: Great job, Tamara and Aine, on getting through as well. It's hard to keep up with a routine when you have such a busy life.
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