


  • Nativmd
    Nativmd Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I am Starting the 30 day shred today and I did Level 1 add me so we can support each other
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    haha Sammie, it's shark week for me too! No fun, no fun at ALL.

    I did get to the gym yesterday and I'm a lot stronger than I thought. I made it through my first workout of stronglifts and it was hard, oh man.. my whole body is achy today, but it was amazing to watch myself lift those weights.

    Keep on keeping shredders!
  • cindys921
    cindys921 Posts: 396 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm back at shredding . Fell off the wagon but I am back at it. I did level 1 day 3 this morning. Hoping I can commit to the 30 days this time. I just get bored so easily. I wonder if I just mix up level 1 2 & 3 workouts for 30 days if I would get similar results. Just to change things up a bit.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    cindys921 wrote: »
    I'm back at shredding . Fell off the wagon but I am back at it. I did level 1 day 3 this morning. Hoping I can commit to the 30 days this time. I just get bored so easily. I wonder if I just mix up level 1 2 & 3 workouts for 30 days if I would get similar results. Just to change things up a bit.

    It does get boring quick, but try and tough it out, it's only a few minutes. You can do it! It's so worth it!
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, it seems worth it already so keep with it! I might rotate once I get through the three levels myself. My husband says he can see a difference and I look more toned. It feels good to feel stronger.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Just did Day 3 Level 2. It's so much more fun to do it in the evening! I feel like I can do it much easier and follow the "advanced" girl most of the time!
  • cindys921
    cindys921 Posts: 396 Member
    I would love to do it later in the day but I feel if I wait I will find excuses to not get it done.
  • Peta314
    Peta314 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all! Sorry I haven't been posting, I been very busy with work. I just read all your posts and I'm happy that all of you are keeping up the hard work! Even though I haven't been around, I did continued with the 30DS, i'm on L2D19. I'm hating hating planks!! Absolute torture! I've been following a good diet but have been the same weight for nearly 2 weeks... I'm still waiting for a drop in that scale! Inches aren't moving that much either, and I have a wedding on the last week of november (where I'll be running into an ex... so you can imagine! haha)... Anyone else having slow results??

    Anyway, let's keep this up! good luck to all of you!!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Peta314 wrote: »
    Hi all! Sorry I haven't been posting, I been very busy with work. I just read all your posts and I'm happy that all of you are keeping up the hard work! Even though I haven't been around, I did continued with the 30DS, i'm on L2D19. I'm hating hating planks!! Absolute torture! I've been following a good diet but have been the same weight for nearly 2 weeks... I'm still waiting for a drop in that scale! Inches aren't moving that much either, and I have a wedding on the last week of november (where I'll be running into an ex... so you can imagine! haha)... Anyone else having slow results??

    Anyway, let's keep this up! good luck to all of you!!

    No inches at all? I'm not doing the program currently, but I've done it before, after 19 days you should have lost some. Are you pushing hard on the workout and eating right, getting adequate sleep and water? I'm sure something will happen soon for you. I hope that EX is green with envy of what is no longer his ;)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Yes, it seems worth it already so keep with it! I might rotate once I get through the three levels myself. My husband says he can see a difference and I look more toned. It feels good to feel stronger.

    That's great! It's nice when other people can see it too!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Just did Day 3 Level 2. It's so much more fun to do it in the evening! I feel like I can do it much easier and follow the "advanced" girl most of the time!

    I don't think I ever followed the advanced girl, She was just out of my league haha. Great job!
  • Peta314
    Peta314 Posts: 40 Member
    No inches at all? I'm not doing the program currently, but I've done it before, after 19 days you should have lost some. Are you pushing hard on the workout and eating right, getting adequate sleep and water? I'm sure something will happen soon for you. I hope that EX is green with envy of what is no longer his ;)

    Thank you! I sure hope so!! Yes, maybe just a few inches, but I still don't see a difference in the before/after pictures. I'll try to keep doing everything right for the next 10 days. I'm sleeping 6 hours, it's not ideally but I've been very busy lately. Thanks for you tips!
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    I never saw improvement in muscle tone in previous workouts until I started drinking protein after. Then I started to see more results. Not sure if it was that, but I still do it.
  • Peta314
    Peta314 Posts: 40 Member
    I never saw improvement in muscle tone in previous workouts until I started drinking protein after. Then I started to see more results. Not sure if it was that, but I still do it.

    Do you mean protein shakes? Maybe I need to decrease my caloric intake a bit more... I don't know! I'll try to make a doctor's appointment. Last time I visited a Nutritionist she just gave a diet without even measuring my body fat %.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Did Day 4 Level 2 tonight. It does not feel that hard anymore. Plank squat hops (or do they call it squat thrusts?) are a killer though...
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    cindys921 wrote: »
    I'm back at shredding . Fell off the wagon but I am back at it. I did level 1 day 3 this morning. Hoping I can commit to the 30 days this time. I just get bored so easily. I wonder if I just mix up level 1 2 & 3 workouts for 30 days if I would get similar results. Just to change things up a bit.
    I thought the difficulty increases from level 1 to level 3 - wouldn't it be too difficult to do level 3 without previous levels?
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Peta314 wrote: »
    Anyone else having slow results??
    My weight loss slowed down (lost less than a pound over last week), but my pants are getting loose.

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Peta314 wrote: »
    No inches at all? I'm not doing the program currently, but I've done it before, after 19 days you should have lost some. Are you pushing hard on the workout and eating right, getting adequate sleep and water? I'm sure something will happen soon for you. I hope that EX is green with envy of what is no longer his ;)

    Thank you! I sure hope so!! Yes, maybe just a few inches, but I still don't see a difference in the before/after pictures. I'll try to keep doing everything right for the next 10 days. I'm sleeping 6 hours, it's not ideally but I've been very busy lately. Thanks for you tips!

    Few inches is a lot! Pictures might be misleading, especially when you are looking at yourself. It's better to ask others for an unbiased opinion...
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah, I do mean protein shakes. I think it helped me develop muscle tone a little more. I do need to watch the cals too though.

    I reached the halfway point today - level 2, day 5. My goal for the next 15 is to eat healthier too ... but I LOVE ice cream and sweets :blush: so it's hard .... I agree, Aine, the squat thrusts are ROUGH! I have to take a knee halfway through them sometimes.

    Great job on losing a few inches! I agree with Aine on asking others for their opinion. I can't tell the difference when I look at my old pictures, but my husband says he can - unprovoked, so I know it's not just him being nice. Glad everybody is keeping going!!
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    So I have a previous neck/shoulder injury (whiplash from car accident years ago) and it seems level two is really messing with it. I don't know if it is all the upper body/plank work or I am doing my ab work wrong. I am trying to follow Jillian's advice regarding not engaging the neck when doing crunches, but finding it hard not to.

    Anybody have any advice?

    Also this morning it felt kind of tough on my knees. It was day 6 on level 2.