Frozen red grapes. I haven't had them in a while but the weather is getting warmer :)
Just to point this out... You loans don't get sold because of anything you did. It's just a normal occurrence. Any loan can be sold. A loan on your car, your mortgage, and yes, student loans. Over time I've had about 40k in student loans, and they are spread over a decade because I had a lot of problems and had to take…
I was willing to give the batflec a chance but this choice... this one makes me feel like I'm being trolled.
Super awesome. Also a Deadpool fan here.
Hey guys. I used to be a twenty-something with the metabolism of a teen. And now I'm just a thirty-something who can't pull her pants past her thighs :P I started gradually changing my eating habits so that I can shed a little but I've got a long term goal of just being healthier and happier. I'm hoping I can meet some…
Hello everyone! My superpower is sort of lame... I can tangle extension cords by just looking at them. Also works on strings of lights ;)