

  • No Manchester by me, but welcome!
  • I met with a trainer 1/16 when I first joined. He set me up with a weights rotation schedule and cardio, supposed to be re-done on 3/16.
    in training Comment by _LA_ February 2013
  • Normally I work out for a few hundred calories a day, but I have a kid home sick today so my workout got postponed, and now I'm not feeling too great. Cold-ish. I have 30ds and a Leslie Sansone here, I will try to do one later -- what did I eat? Baby spinach and sardines (which is kind of a go to breakfast for me) but also…
  • I know she says not to modify the jumping jacks, but when I did day one WITH modification (did a sort of arms with tap outs instead of jumps - I am heavier than you and didn't want to kill my knees just yet) I was fine. Day two I felt inspired and did about half the jumping jacks and my knee has been weird today. It was…
  • 2lbs for the first go-round, then we'll see. I don't want to go too heavy and disrupt my regular training.
  • I'm 41 from NWNJ, mother of 3 and teacher. I had am using youtube vids for 30ds. False start last week, then did day 1 last night. Planning to keep going! I don't usually work out right before bed but I think I am going to try doing that here on top of my regular morning workouts. Good luck all!
  • When I started last night I put in circuit training. I think that or aerobics is similar. She's mostly low impact but the strength would up the calorie burning, I would imagine - and a circuit is part cardio part strength, like her program. I put in 28 minutes, though - isn't it?
  • Two and three, their issue. One? Omg are you dense. If you say "obese people blah blah" and you are talking TO an obese person - of course she was included in your statement. And if you word it as talking to her, maybe that could be seen as talking to her with care. But a general statement? Now you are talking about her…
  • lol. Not much of a pancake person, don't like the fluff - but I do love crepes. But not with all that stuff in them. Melt a little butter on top and squeeze out a lemon and I'm a happy crepey girl :)
  • lol. I think it's half attitude with him - no way he'll touch them now that he *knows* they are in there. :)
  • Wow, I think all the ones around here are 7-7 on weekends. I wish they would open earlier so I could go in before work! 7 doesn't leave me enough time.
  • I actually started yesterday too! I started C25K last year around this time, at a park with a friend of mine. I got to about week three (when you were jogging for about 3 or 5 min at a time?) and then I hurt my knee - brace and everything. UGH. But I have seen debate here where a LOT of people say it's easier on the…
    in C25K Comment by _LA_ February 2013
  • Wow, fifty thousand replies already, lol. People of all sizes, ages and such at my gym. Even saw a guy heading for the bikes this morning who was using two walker kind of things to get around (older). I plug in headphones and have no idea what the people around me are doing - I agree, peopl eare much more interested in…
  • I'll jump on board with the - if you don't like the ingredients.fat/sodium/whatever in your canned ones, you can take more control of them if you make your own. The ingredients are so cheap. Plus if you get food from a pantry they usually throw lots of canned and dry beans in the bags. I use a crockpot and make a double…
  • Wow, I am so not a fan of those fluffy cakey pancakes - these look sooo good. Almost crepe-y. I HAVE to try them!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!
  • All right, I'm in!:glasses:
  • Hi! Will you please let me know how this program actually works? I don't own the dvd but can stream it - I looked it up after seeing talk about it here. It says three episodes (levels 1 2 and 3) and 30 minutes each. Does this mean it is a daily 30 minute workout and each level means repeating one part of it for ten days in…
  • Wow, this sounds good! Need to find some chicken breasts!
  • Lol! Fortunately, my gym has a gazillion cardio machines - it's the weight machines where I'm sometimes circling if I go during the wrong time of day :) If I were an after-work workouter I'd be in more trouble, I think. :) Good luck! And trainer lady..showing off doesn't make you look like you 'belong' there anymore. It…
  • I always noticed that the weeks I didn't lose pounds, I lost inches. You might try measuring both ways :)
  • Yes, I do Pandora - started Gwen Stefani station and then added Shakira. Usually a good workout beat & attitude, they put Pink in there, occasional Britney, some guy named Don Omar whom I apparently like but had never heard of, lol...good stuff.
  • That's funny - I started at Planet Fitness a couple of days ago, and I was reading all the signage about being a 'judgment free zone' and all that, and I thought back to all of the gyms I've belonged to over the years - and how I never even notice the other people there unless they are using a machine I'm waiting for - so…
  • I lost a lot of weight by the beginning of summer a couple of years ago, and on 10-month teacher salaries I just couldn't do any shopping at that time of the year. I posted on Freecycle that Iw as looking for casual clothes in my size, and someone else who had also just lost a lot of weight (and was therefore now a smaller…
  • Went to the doc (finally!) and he said I have a sprained knee - don't even walk for 10 days. Lots of advil til I can pick up the prescript pain meds today. The advil has done wonders..didn't feel anything the first day on them, now my knees are uncomfortable but not in pain. Have an appt with a knee doc Tues b/c I was less…
  • Crap. Looked up MCL and I think that's the prob - feels like that part of the knee and the weird thing about it is the feeling that my knees are more prone to twisting than usual - I don't think it's swollen, but I'jm going to stick to walking tonight and askt eh store about whether I should run with some kind of support…
  • I bought Acers a week or so before I started walking (which was a week or so before I started adding jogging). I would NOT have been stupid enough to start jogging w/o having a consult w/the owner of the running store - I want to keep my knees!! I tried to call him earlier this week but I think they may be closed for the…
  • wow, look at your progress - fantastic!! Great luck to you with the chalean, no clue what it is but that plus the clean eating sounds like it'll do the trick :) Great keeping with it!
  • I have never played Wii Zumba, but that's exactly what regular Zumba is like for a lot of people getting started!! I say stick with it! In a week or two you'll probably feel like an old pro :)
  • wonderful! I feel much better about eating 'over' my goal even though my exercise brings my net down...thanks!
  • defintely goes against the grain of what we're usually taught about our aging bodies!