kellybones Member


  • I totally read the topic as "Horn Dogs" and was wondering why on earth it was in the Recipes category. Guess I know where MY brain is tonight!
  • +sub 8 minute mile for a one mile speed run +pull ups - at least one REAL one and preferably more like 10! +getting out of super-duper sports bras and into merely super sports bras +completing a triathlon - super sprint distance +sub 2 hour half marathon +completing a full marathon
  • I run with Little Dog - she INSISTS on running through sprinklers with me. She also bites the sprinkler water, rolls in wet grass and snorfles through puddles - those I do NOT do. But I enjoy the sprinklers out here in AZ.
  • Glad to read that others are aware of the danger. My most unsafe place that I run - across the exit to a McDonald's drive thru. People DO NOT look. I have actually tapped on windows before! I also recommend in addition to the safety vest (I use an all elastic one from Amphipod that's pretty low profile and only SLIGHTLY…
  • Ah, I miss cold water. In AZ, especially during the summer - the water she NEVER gets cold!
  • What if I'm 5'2.25"? :-)
  • I would LOVE the working with dogs everyday - but I can't imagine dealing with the owners!!
  • I work in a lab in a hospital. I wouldn't say that I love it but I like it. I like it way more when the politics and gossip are reduced. There are parts of it that I love - certain areas of the lab that I would really really like to work in while other parts not so much.
  • See, now I assumed that the addiction to MFP was a completely NORMAL thing.
  • I loved all the tips! But I'd like to re-emphasize the reflective gear and lights - especially a headlamp for anyone who runs in the early morning or late night hours. That little baby has saved me from getting run over (usually in the McDonald's drive thru exit!) more times than I care to count. That being said I really…
  • No picture! *edit now there is a picture and it looks AWESOME!
  • 1.) Any of the "mud" runs that I've done - LOVE the obstacles. I'm not speedy but damn, I'm good at obstacles. (at least in my head). 2.) This year's Lost Dutchman where I PR'd. 3.) This year's Indy Mini Marathon that I ran with my sister - our second half together and the rest of my sisters and my mom walked too! It was…
  • I'm just going to finish. I've only occasionally placed in 5ks - and it's usually by accident! I can't imagine placing in anything that involves swimming!
  • I'm doing the Mesa Sprint Triathlon in October. I started training about 6 weeks ago - I'm having the most issues with swimming! But I'm doing pretty well so far. Feel free to friend me!
  • Are you hydrated well before and during? I know if I slack on water consumption, I tend to mis-interpret thirsty as hungry after a run. And running in the heat really makes this worse.
  • I've done the Warrior Dash specifically and some other similar regional races (4 Mile Mad Mud Run and a 6 mile muddy somethign or another) - and they are a lot of fun. As well, you can definitely skip obstacles you are unable to do (you won't be able to win the event that way but you won't injure yourself!) and you can…
  • I've not done a full marathon - that's January of 2012 but I plan to do run/walk intervals. I've done those for all of my half marathons but one (I ran the entire Fiesta Bowl half out here in AZ). My PR for a half was at a 10/2 interval. Not that it was speedy (2:17) but it is the fastest I've covered the 13 miles. I find…
  • bump is also a handy way to put the thread under your topics so you can find it later
  • What kind of chicken? And I'd also like to second the request for the pb quinoa cookie recipe. I like it on celery, carrots, toast, apples, pears, bananas - and my favorite? on a slightly warmed vitatop for a higher calorie chocolate-peanut butter snack that tastes like awesome brownies
  • Same here! I hated running for SO LONG because I could do it! Imagine that, I hadn't trained myself to do it. Duh! I did me some C25k and almost 4 years later I've done mud runs, the Warrior Dash, LOTS of 5ks and 10ks as well as 6 half marathons. Right now I'm actually training for a sprint triathlon and start my marathon…
  • There is an official night shift post over in the General Diet section - I'll go bump it in a second since I'm not sure if I can put links in a post or not. That being said - I work 3 or 4 12 hour shifts in a row and I basically eat the same amount of food as on a normal day but the spacing is entire different. Non work…
  • Congratulations! Does that mean it's time for some CLOSET SHOPPING!? That is one of my favorite activities ever!
  • Thanks everybody! It's just weird for ME to do this. I'm such a member of the clean plate club! And what was even more funny to me is I got the way bacon filled omelette and then regretted it - not so much for calories reasons but more for taste reasons. I actually MISSED the onions, peppers, mushrooms and other veggies…
  • Fruit first. Sometimes I can get away with that instead of the actual chocolate or ice cream. Substitute a similar but lower cal treat. Skinny cow ice cream for regular or vitatops for a brownie. This doesn't always work for me but sometimes, I just need a LITTLE bit. Indulge with portion control and when I have the…
  • I don't have cheat days - I have cheat meals. Two of them each week. I read somewhere that you have to "behave" and eat healthy about 80% of the time. Out of 21 meals, 2 cheat meals is <10%. I have them on my rest days and it's my Saturday morning out to breakfast with my husband - the only time we go out together. And on…
  • I go for natural whole foods if possible with minimum processing over low cal/reduced fat stuff. I especially avoid the artificial sweetners and other foods that have far too many ingredients that I can't pronounce. Now, I'm not 100% "clean" and I do eat some processed food products but given the choice - I'll take a…
  • bump. but what is poultry seasoning?
  • bump! Any idea if these freeze well? I'm looking for a chocolate fix to replace my hard to find and super expensive Vitatops!