Trakandrose Member


  • I have to leave for work at 7:15 am (in shower by 6:20 am or so), and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm at school until 10:10 pm and home by 10:40 pm. On Wednesdays I have bible study until about 9 pm or so. I wake up at 5:45 am so I can get my workout in and then get ready for work because I know I won't have time in the…
  • L1D2 complete! I didn't feel sick at all today, and I was able to make it through all the cardio without stopping! I'm sore, but I will stretch it out throughout the day. Maybe I should mix some Wii Fit Yoga on the days I don't have school, to help stretch out the muscles.
  • OoOoOoh that sounds delicious!! Thank you for the idea!
  • I do have a fridge at work, so I can definitely keep stuff in there and then I could eat an hour or two after after work. These are some great ideas! I didn't even think of tuna, that would be delicious! And nuts are always a good option, along with a protein bar. :D
  • Ok, I got my DVD yesterday and I did my Day 1 this morning. Holy Jeez I'm out of shape. Did anyone else feel like passing out or vomiting? Ha. But I will keep at it! Here are my measurements as of yesterday: SW: 182 CW: 175 Neck: 13" Bust: 39.5" Chest: 33" Waist: 31" Hips: 43" Thighs: 23" Calf: 17.5" Ankle: 10" Arms: 13.5"…
  • Will post measurements later at home, starting the workout tomorrow!
  • I'm in!! I ordered the DVD a couple weeks ago and I will be receiving it in the mail today (so I'll be a day late), but I am looking forward to it. Glad that there is a group starting at the same time, I'm going to need the accountability.
  • I can relate, when I'm bored, I eat. So as soon as I get home every day I immediately put myself to work. I throw a load of laundry in, do the dishes, pick up, anything to keep me busy until my husband gets home. It also helps that we don't keep "snacky" food in the house, so even if I was tempted to eat, I'd have to make…
  • Great job! I hope I can be as successful in my first month. Keep it up :)
  • I completely agree with you, which is why I have modified my caloric intake. My goal is to be healthy AND lose weight. I want to try and walk 2-3 miles a day to keep myself fit and tone up. I was just wondering if walking alone, along with a healthy diet could aid in healthy weight loss, without having to hit the gym and…