
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I started day 1 today and ohmygosh!!! I kept telling myself, this will get easier. . . .umm. . ok. . . My problems "areas" on the dvd was the jumping jacks. Yep something so easy got the best of me(& it's part of the warmup, yikes!). I'm weighing in at 268 w/ osteoarthritis knees so it was painful. It was also difficult to go down onto the floor quick enough & get back up in time.I had to modify the squats due to my knees. The bike crunches were a challenge, heck the whole dvd was challenge! Prior to today, I was doing wii My Fitness Coach & recumbent bike. Love MFC.
    I do have a Shred Q: how do I record it on my exercise diary? Looked it up in the database but no results. I know I burned a "few" calories <~>. I hope someone has some insight before the end of today (Mon) so I cn record it. thanks!!
    I know I'll be checking in here often for encouragement & for us to share sob stories, oops I meant success stories!!

    Good for you for keeping it up, ailments and all! I'm sure they will get better with weight loss and muscle building! I entered it as circuit training. Based on my HRM, 22 minutes gave me the exact number of calories I burned: 291. Everyone is different but these were mine (you can refer back to my measurements and weight to see if we are at least close).
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Heya, i still don't have a measuring tape but I did day 1 this morning..bright and early (4:30). I definitely worked up a sweat, those side to side lunges were killer! I got 5 lb weights at Walmart.

    I'm glad to say that all the crunches I've been doing at the gym have worked, I found the abs portions very easy. Not the cardio though!

    CW: 150

    Bless your heart on 5lb weights! I did 3lb and I was dying!!! However, my arms need the most work when it comes to building strength. Great job! Keep it up!!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    So I finished day 3 level one...I am noticing a difference in thing...make sure you have a very good supportive bra on...I obviously didn't today..and the jumping jacks and jump roping were uncomfortable..

    I noticed this too; I had a simple VS cotton bra on and lets just say I almost knocked myself out! LOL

    My belly and the "pooch" seemed to jump around more than I did too, so thinking about wearing something around my waist to keep everything in place!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..

    I thought about doing this every morning and every night. This will also help on the days that I may have to miss. My boys have a hard time parting with my attention and I would hate to miss a day so twice a day will definitely help. Let's just hope Im not dying by the end of Day 3!

    I think I am just going to stick with this as I want to see its "true" results.

    Also, I noticed I had to slow down at times because my HRM reading was really high. It was beeping at me like crazy! Im sure with time this will change as my stamina and my heart/lungs get stronger.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    thanks Lilsuzie! will go do that now!

    I bo't my dvd for $9 @ walmart. I was using 8# on My Fitness Coach & other strength ex. but went to 5# for Shred since this is higher reps. I heard/read somewhere that higher reps/lower weights were ideal for what I needed. I know I couldn't pull it off with the 8#ers on Shred!

    I would have died with 8lbs! There were times when 3#s were almost unbearable! My arms feel like jello!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning! I just completed my first day of the video and WOW, 20 minutes can definitely exhaust you!

    I decided to go ahead and post my pictures instead of waiting... sorry, I'm so wishy/washy!

    Good luck to those of you who are beginning this journey today, we're one day closer to our dream bodies!


    Isnt it amazing what 20 minutes can do!? Makes people seem crazy when they spend HOURS in the gym...I know I would be crazy to do that! LOL

    Your pic isnt showing up; I had mine in albums when it was doing this to me; I had to take them out of albums. Send me a message if you need help! Congrats on having the courage to post your pics now! I know I thought it over several times!
  • Okay so I just finished day 1 and I will have to agree that wearing the right bra is important. Mine was definitely not supportive enough! I did 3lb weights and I think I will increase them to 5lb weights tomorrow, except the side lunge exercise. My arms were killing during that!

    I also felt that the ab workouts weren't too difficult except the bicycle crunches... I HATE those haha. I think I did okay with the cardio and I definitely believe it will get easier, but the last part of the cardio was the worst for me. I just kept saying come on you can do 2 more minutes of cardio!

    Unfortunately my bodybugg armband is now getting too big for me, I have it strapped the tightest I can get, but it slipped down my arm while I was doing the workout and it didn't record the calories, but I didn't want to stop to fix it. So I'm going to look for the shorter strap later today and for now just use it as circuit training
  • Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..

    Wow 4-5 times a day! I don't know if I would survive the video that many times in 1 day lol But I am also thinking of doing it 2 times a day. I want to see the results from this video without adding tooooo much else. But I do plan on continuing to do wii fit every night and I may start the EA Sports Active challenge.

    I also think 2-3 days a week I am going to incorporate some other exercise, like 30 minutes on the elliptical or 1 or 2 of the 10 minute trainer workouts. As long as I burn about 500-600 calories a day. But I definitely think I will TRY to do the 30 day shred video 2 times a day. At least while I have some free time, a few days off work and next week I'll have a week off from school :)
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I plan on restarting the 30 shred today with all of you. I had started the shred early Feb but only made it up to D5 L1 so I plan on doing this every evening for the next 30 days. :)
    Here are my stats:

    CW: 185

    Neck: 14.5
    Bust: 44
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 44
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..

    Wow 4-5 times a day! I don't know if I would survive the video that many times in 1 day lol But I am also thinking of doing it 2 times a day. I want to see the results from this video without adding tooooo much else. But I do plan on continuing to do wii fit every night and I may start the EA Sports Active challenge.

    I also think 2-3 days a week I am going to incorporate some other exercise, like 30 minutes on the elliptical or 1 or 2 of the 10 minute trainer workouts. As long as I burn about 500-600 calories a day. But I definitely think I will TRY to do the 30 day shred video 2 times a day. At least while I have some free time, a few days off work and next week I'll have a week off from school :)

    OH DEAR...big times a week..not in a day...lmao..I would like to be able to walk..
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..

    Wow 4-5 times a day! I don't know if I would survive the video that many times in 1 day lol But I am also thinking of doing it 2 times a day. I want to see the results from this video without adding tooooo much else. But I do plan on continuing to do wii fit every night and I may start the EA Sports Active challenge.

    I also think 2-3 days a week I am going to incorporate some other exercise, like 30 minutes on the elliptical or 1 or 2 of the 10 minute trainer workouts. As long as I burn about 500-600 calories a day. But I definitely think I will TRY to do the 30 day shred video 2 times a day. At least while I have some free time, a few days off work and next week I'll have a week off from school :)

    OH DEAR...big times a week..not in a day...lmao..I would like to be able to walk..

    HA! I was like, "Wow, She's about to kick A*S!" LOL
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    OK Here are the grim numbers before I shred!
    SW 220
    CW? I weigh on Wednedsay
    Neck 15"
    chest 46.25
    waist 46(MAN THAT HURT)
    HIPS 49.75 (THAT IS AWFUL!)
    L ARM 15
    R ARM 15
    L THIGH 24
    R THIGH 26
    L CALF 16.50
    R CALF 16.50
  • Just wanted to make a note on the arm pains and what weight to use...I completed day 5 this morning so that's where I am.

    Here's what I did:

    1st day: used 8 lb. weights (have fairly strong upper body from years of softball) and did full pushups
    2nd day: was dying and used a low level resistance band; did half-assed girl pushups
    3rd day: still sort of dying but used a high level resistance band; did full girl pushups
    4th day: brought the 8 pounders back but alternated (ex: on squats with presses I'd do the lift every other squat and such); did full girl pushups
    5th day: back to using the 8 pounders, but still on the girl pushups hehe

    And my arms only hurt in the healthy sort of way, so I am very pleased. If you use too much weight, take it down some notches and then build it back up to where you're comfortable.
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    OMG, OMG,OMG! Does that say what i thought. Just got done. I hardly made it to the last 2 minute cycle. I did my gym this am before shred and I will not do that again! What a work out! My jumping jacks were pityful and my jump rope did not come off the floor. I will beat this now I am in the the 30 day count. Day 1 down and 29 to go!
  • Here are my Measurements. I dont like using this as a good measure, I'd rather use the way my clothes fit. I have two pair of jeans to try on along the way. I WILL absolutely fit in when I finish with the Shred!!... gotta be positive :wink:

    Neck 13.5"
    Bust 36"
    Belly Button 35"
    Hip Bone 37"
    Saddle bags 41"
    Arms 12"
    Thighs 12"
    Calves 14.5"

    My goals

    02/20/2010 158 SW
    03/20/2010 150
    04/17/2010 146
    05/15/2010 142
    06/12/2010 138 UW

    I did Day 3 level 1... it went ok, I felt it in my shoulder... But I am going slow and only doing 3 days a week.

    WTG Girls... Dont let anybody stop you from seeking and achieving success!!!

    1 SHRED at a time
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    OMG, OMG,OMG! Does that say what i thought. Just got done. I hardly made it to the last 2 minute cycle. I did my gym this am before shred and I will not do that again! What a work out! My jumping jacks were pityful and my jump rope did not come off the floor. I will beat this now I am in the the 30 day count. Day 1 down and 29 to go!

    Great attitude!!!! Keep going! You can do this!
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Everyone! I started this morning (about 4 hours ago) on level 1 with 2lb weights. It did seem like a good workout, made me feel more out of shape than ever though. It was hardest on my knees though, and that is where i was most uncomfortable. I liked how it was broken into three sets, made it seem more feasible that I would make it through.


    Neck 14"
    Stomach 53"
    Waist 41"
    Chest 46"
    Arm 14.5"
    Thigh 29"
    Calf 16.5"

    The only exercise I have gotten in the past year is walking 2-4 times a week. I plan on still walking in addition to the video. It will be interesting to see if I tone up at all, or lose any inches. I figure I can give it a go for 30 days, and even if I haven't lost anything, I should be in better shape. I will see how I go as far as switching to the next level, it may take the full 30 days, we shall see!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hi Everyone! I started this morning (about 4 hours ago) on level 1 with 2lb weights. It did seem like a good workout, made me feel more out of shape than ever though. It was hardest on my knees though, and that is where i was most uncomfortable. I liked how it was broken into three sets, made it seem more feasible that I would make it through.


    Neck 14"
    Stomach 53"
    Waist 41"
    Chest 46"
    Arm 14.5"
    Thigh 29"
    Calf 16.5"

    The only exercise I have gotten in the past year is walking 2-4 times a week. I plan on still walking in addition to the video. It will be interesting to see if I tone up at all, or lose any inches. I figure I can give it a go for 30 days, and even if I haven't lost anything, I should be in better shape. I will see how I go as far as switching to the next level, it may take the full 30 days, we shall see!

    I love the incremental breakdown; definitely makes it easier mentally!

  • Trakandrose
    Trakandrose Posts: 12 Member
    Will post measurements later at home, starting the workout tomorrow!
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