

  • Jerzeebabie04
    Started L1D1 of the Shred this a.m using 5lb weights, followed by 25 minutes of Tae-bo Power rounds!!!! WOHOHOOOOI am certainly GETTIN IT IN!!!

    I must say the push ups weren't as bad as I thought although I was doing the modified version :laugh: , The Slim in 6 workouts prepared me for them! LOVE THE UPPER BODY WORKOUTS!!!

    I did buss a MAJOR sweat for that 20 minute workout!

    I plan to get it in a 3-4 times a week, and incorporate some ofther things Tae-Bo, Elliptical, and running! WOHOOOO summer here I come with Michelle Obama arms :glasses:

    I wanted to try slim in 6, did you see good results from it?
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hi is too late to join this thread? I just started the 30 day Shred last week, completed L1D7 today. I plan on doing 10 days and then giving Level 2 a try. I browsed it and overall looks like I could handle it but we'll see. I may try using lighter weights or something. It also looks like we are either sharing before pics or measurements? I prefer not to post full body shots, but will take some for myself to compare. I've locked my scale away until the end of the 30 days, so won't be updating until then.

    Upper Waist:34

    Welcome! Being ahead of us, you can let us know what to expect!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Just finished Day 1 of the Shred! It wasn't that bad but as soon as I was done and made my way downstairs, my legs were like jello! I'm sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow but what's a few days of being sore as opposed to a lifetime of being fit and happy.

    See you tomorrow Jillian!!!!

    Great job, Lady! Keep it up! Also, make sure to stretch more than she allots for...this should definitely help with the soreness!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Alright I'm down for this, even though I can't stand the woman. Im hoping that it will help me be motivated so that i can yell at her every day :P

    SW - 316
    CW - 267
    GW - 200 (or less)

    Neck 15
    Thigh 29.5
    Butt 53
    Tummy 52.5
    Hip 53
    Bicep 13.75

    Finished the first workout, and aside from the transverse abs crunch crushing my spine (yay for hardwood laminate on basement cement) it wasn't so bad. Though, I found that because I am out of shape and my lungs are still healing from quitting smoking I found myself to be out of breath (duh!) and I noticed that getting up after being on the floor created this bizzarre dizziness and vomiting feeling, so I had to break for a minute or so about halfway through.

    Oh well, I guess I'l be seeing a lot more of that woman over the next 30 days.

    HAHA hey yelling at her works. And then you'll be doing the workout better than her!! Since she seems to stop a lot to talk! We'll all be better than Jillian soon! :)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi is too late to join this thread? I just started the 30 day Shred last week, completed L1D7 today. I plan on doing 10 days and then giving Level 2 a try. I browsed it and overall looks like I could handle it but we'll see. I may try using lighter weights or something. It also looks like we are either sharing before pics or measurements? I prefer not to post full body shots, but will take some for myself to compare. I've locked my scale away until the end of the 30 days, so won't be updating until then.

    Upper Waist:34

    Welcome! Being ahead of us, you can let us know what to expect!

    Ummm, all I can say is expect to hurt lol. :laugh: I had a cold for the last 4 days, but since the Shred is only 20 min. I forced myself to do it. I couldn't breathe through my nose, so I was panting and collapsed on the couch by the end, but made it through each day without any breaks! I would suggest drinking a bottle of water or so BEFORE starting, then sipping down at least another 8 oz. after. As far as the "I'm gonna vomit" and dizziness, that does get better after the first couple of days. Best of luck's good to have some accountability.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    So I'm feeling really good today. I might even attempt to do the video again! I'm super full from dinner and just relaxing now to watch 2 shows. Then I'm thinking MAYBE doing the shred again and/or 45 minutes of wii fit plus :)

    We'll see, either way I'll see all of you tomorrow for another great day of shredding!!!!
  • callie365
    Lets give it another try.....My before pictures


    OM I didnt know they would be so darn big..... This is what you call MAJOR INCENTIVE and Accountability for me!! :blushing:

    Good nite girls :flowerforyou:
  • chelleim
    What an inspiration! Great job thus far! I am at about the same weight range as you and have so many reasons to make for a better healthier me.

    I bought the DVD this weekend and I am up for joining this group! So looking forward to change and more energy.

    Bring on the sweat and let's shred!

    Will post measurements later. Plan on starting the workout tomorrow.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    here they are (finally):

    r calf - 15.5
    l calf - 15
    r thigh - 21
    l thigh - 20.5
    hips - 43.5
    waist (sucking in) - 36.5
    bust - 37.5
    r arm - 12.25
    l arm - 12

    interesting to see the left side of me is smaller than the right. i'm lopsided! :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I'm glad to say that all the crunches I've been doing at the gym have worked, I found the abs portions very easy. Not the cardio though!

    lol. i agree. i do tony's ab cruncher on the sunday's we are in town; i guess that has been effective. cardio, not so much. my son watched and he kept yelling at me 'jillian said you can't stop so don't stop.' :D
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Bye bye Bat wings....My first workout is done!!!!!!!!! Goal - Smashed.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Congratulations to all of you that have accomplished L1D1!!! You all did a GREAT job at sticking to it, working through it and pushing forward! To those that are further ahead than most of us, thank you for sharing; you make us see that it is possible to get through the workouts!

    Day Two-You Better Watch OUT!
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    Hey Schula,

    Remove them from the albums and lowercase the . This is how the pics have been able to post. Let me know if you need more help.
  • LessofLeeAnna
    So I finished day 3 level one...I am noticing a difference in thing...make sure you have a very good supportive bra on...I obviously didn't today..and the jumping jacks and jump roping were uncomfortable..

    I noticed this too; I had a simple VS cotton bra on and lets just say I almost knocked myself out! LOL

    My belly and the "pooch" seemed to jump around more than I did too, so thinking about wearing something around my waist to keep everything in place!

    Oh I SOOOO know what you mean!! I wore a spaghetti strap type top. . not alot of support. Have learned my lesson! Just about came away with 2 black eyes lol. If you have the "pooch" like me (& no, folks we are not talking the 4 legged kind) tht kinda hurts too when it bounces. But 1 day soon that will be gone. It didn't appear overnite & won't go away overnite but I m whittling away at it. Can't do anything about my top 'cept support my girls!! Hope I can at least move in the morning!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Good morning Shredding Ladies, How is everyone feeling today?
    My legs feel totally fine but I can feel it in my ABS like its going out of style, I wager that due to the amount of weight (316) i was carrying around for such a long time my legs have a bit more strength in them just from lugging myself around.

    Excited for Day 2!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Good morning All!!!

    Well I woke up with some sore abs! Legs seem fine, but I have always had stronger legs then abs or arms. My arms are only a little bit sore, but not too bad. As much as my abs hurt, I love that feeling (until I get on the floor to do more ab work of course). Just had my breakfast so I'll be doing Day 2 very shortly!

  • Chantelle160
    I made it through work out Day 3 for me. Not to sore. I hate push ups though. My arms hurt the most. Managed to do 45 mins on the treadmill after the workout so I was pretty happy. I usually lose my motivation after I'm done one thing. I'm hoping to do the same tonight. Great job everybody. 29 more days to go!!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    So L1D4 here...woke up with no soreness..yesterday I did the Shred in the morning and I went on the treadmill for 20 minutes last when I get the kids off to school..I will get it done...
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Day 2...IN THE BAG!!!

    I almost didnt get up! My son slept on my right arm and it was sore as it was soooo I was in aweful pain!! but then I thought about all of you and my commitment to this group (especially cuz it was my "genius" idea to start it! LOL) so I got my butt out of bed (pretty late) and did it! I felt so good afterwards! Its already getting easier for me!

    My legs are good (I can leg press 415lbs so I think I have sufficient muscle under all this fat!), my abs are good ('cept when I laugh too hard) but OMG, my arms!!!! I want to pull them off and let them rest on my desk for a day just to recover! But I feel great knowing that they are my weakest link and that will be NO MORE after these workouts! Still doing to girlie pushups and do GREAT all the way through...except for the arm stuff-I have to stop every few reps or at least do them slower than Jillian and her girls! But its, working I can feel it!

    My Buster (he's my doggie) had another seizure last night and is officially epileptic :frown: but he is on meds now so hopefully it will be controlled, but the stress is NO GOOD. Thank God excercise releases endorphines!

    Great day to all of you!