French Onion Laughing Cow and Stick Pretzels! Yum!
I believe there is a way to change your activity level in your settings or profile. So on the days that you do substitute you could change your activity level to increase your daily caloric intake, but just remember to change it back on days when you don't work. Hope this helps! :) I just checked it out and its under Goals…
Congrats! You look great!!
I have just started doing this and have become compulsive about it, my boyfriend laughs at me when I count out the 10 M&Ms I allow myself to have, but I am really starting to see a difference :)
I would definitely go with Just Dance 2. I have both and Zumba for me just doesn't get me sweating like the way I want a workout to be. I find the songs on Just Dance 2 are fun and some are really high energy. I also like to put on ankle weights while I play to up the workout :) When I feel like doing Zumba, I set up a…
I'm In :)