

  • Do you do anything else or strictly treadmill? I usually do 30min on the cross climber and then some ab exercises and spot on my arms/sholders then 30 min. on the bike. Just curious...i' ve only been doind the gym for a about a month off and on. I really need to set a schedule and keep up with it. Just get so dang…
  • Thanks ya'll for all of ya'lls advice. I've come to a general conclusion that 'some' carbs in the afternoon / evening is okay...carbs in moderation! The only thing is that I really like my beer with dinner / or a glass of wine / or a evening toddy....:drinker:
  • He's not "MY" trainer - he is the trainer at the gym I attend. I had asked him some questions with regard to losing weight and food and exercise. I would love to have an actual trainer but that's not gonna happen. I'll just keep asking questions and posting them to ya'll - experience is the best information and I…
  • Thanks for the encouragement....I've done pretty good the past two nights but we have been eating after 7:00 which isn't good either. With the time change the kids are playing longer and I lose track of time. Before I know it, it's 6:30 and I haven't even started dinner. Oh well, I'm trying!! I want my shorts and jeans to…