Ok, so the trainer at the gym said that I should not eat carbs after 2:00...REALLY??? I love a beer with dinner and all the other things. Can anyone help me with this..give me some suggestions???
Just wondering if anyone knows how many calories we burn by picking up after our children all day? I seem to pick up after my boys every day and I also clean-up the house daily - can I put down that I clean about 2 hours total daily along with walking two hours total at a slow pace? Just wondering .....
I am a mother of 3 beautiful children but boy did they leave their mark on me. When I graduated high school I weighed 110 lbs. After giving birth to my first child I lost all but 10 pounds. 120 before and 130 after the second one and 137 before and now I still weigh over 150 pounds. He was born in 07 and I can't seem to…