request sent!!
Wazzup, ladies! Still fighting to lose the last 20 pounds! I'm 21:)
80s Madonna, donuts, and documentaries about gangs and drugs :P
Same here. I find that every day at the same time or every other day helps to remind me to eat better during the day. If I eat well, I don't tend to fluctuate that much, so if I gain an unexpected pound, I know exactly what caused it.
Mate, I ALWAYS pig out on my birthday. When you are on a diet, it's ok to have a treat now and then. Don't sweat it. And about logging in....I DON"T anymore! Other than document my weight, I've mostly stopped counting everything I eat. My weight is finally going down after a winter of struggle. My goal was to lose at least…
Maybe, if he is as nice and interesting as he is well built :)
I take that as a compliment:)
The Strong and Silent type.
It's the same for me! It's almost as if I feel like it's too late to eat healthy that day and I might as well eat everything in sight. It helps me to think "It''s not too late to stop!" Just because I ate a hamburger does not mean I can binge the rest of the day. And if I don't, it WILL make a difference. Maybe not on the…
Now if everybody would be this productive, nobody would accuse the poor of being lazy or fat:)
Thanks so much! I can see you are a part of the cat-eye liner club too:)
Same here.
can't see your face because of the glasses, but I'm sure your'e a 10 :)
Eyes, I suppose, because they are green; not a super common color. My hair is kind of an interesting red color in the light. I don't like my smile, it makes my square face look even squarer.
Same here. For me it's pretty much "Gain 10 pounds, pants get tight but still wearable, gain 20 pounds, go up a size."
Thanks for the responses, ladies!! I realize I forgot to mention in my post that I don't think people who don't like to read are stupid. The movies I watch and the art I like are related in some way to things I have read. So if a person hates to read, I don't know if they will share many interests with me. Once again, I…
Just finished the story. Think I have to check out Death of a Salesman!
I have the double whammy: I'm an artist AND a night owl. It's midnight right now, so not very late for me :P I like to work on my projects at night because it is quiet. Of course, right now I'm just wasting time on the computer:)
That's stupid of him. I'm sorry. He should care more about you, your health, and your goals than your appearance. I doubt lifting would make you ugly, anyhow. I don't like it when guys are so critical of things like that. Just my opinion, he doesn't sound like a keeper. There have to be some guys who would love to have a…
Well, I want to lose my extra padding by summer:P I know how you feel....
Well, I guess I'm one. The things I'm geeky about don't generally attract other people, though:P I love: Retro Anime and Manga (70's, 80's early 90's) Classic literature: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, To Kill a Mockingbird etc Dante's Divine Comedy Traditional 2-d animation ( some Disney, Don Bluth, Hiyao Miyazaki) Art…
I think that if you are poor in america and prone to weight gain, you will likely become heavy. Filling, cheap food can be bought in bulk, but it is often very high in fat and calories. I see a lot of lower income families/new immigrants who struggle with their weight. If a person has a high metabolism, they won't be fat,…
I generally prefer subbed, as I feel the experience is closer to what the creator's intended. I also hate the way anime character's names sound when spoken with an American accent. For example, the way Kagome's name is pronounced in Inu-Yasha. It's Kago-me in a Japanese accent, not Ka-GO-me, and since the name is said so…
Sure! I always thought how odd it was that so many skinny or average weight people are willing to judge those who are overweight, while at the same time stuffing their own faces!! I ate a similar diet to others I knew, but gained weight while they stayed slim. That is why I am trying my best to eat healthy!
A schnoodle (schnauzer-poodle mix) named Maestro! He is my little friend, and is very talkative:)
It sounds to me that you have the right idea about what is healthy. Keep eating the trail mix, nuts are very good protein. I'd say your'e eating less than you should if you want to gain weight, though. How about trying some brown rice as a healthy grain addition? You can have it for lunch, since it is easy to eat and not…
This has happened to me too, and it's annoying, but don't worry. You only gained .2 pounds. It sounds like you may have made a lot of tiny food decisions during the week that added up, or did something that was off-schedule. I doubt you will stop loosing weight, and weight lose really does change in speed. Also, although…
I do a lot of sitting as well. Because exercise is going to be not as possible, diet change will be your friend! Eat lots of dried fruit and nuts during the mid morning and afternoon to keep you from scrounging about. Sometimes we just eat out of boredom, so try gum or ginger chews. I lose weight without exercise, as long…
Greek yogurt is excellent for digestion! A thing I use to help me with intestinal difficulty is Papaya tablets. They are available at health food stores and don't have any weird ingredients. These really help me with heartburn. I have also heard that ginger tea is good, so maybe look that up? Use fresh ginger if you can.
You should see a doctor, but until that, consider going on a diet of very simple foods. Look for one that is mostly vegetables and see how your system reacts. You might have deeper food allergies than you realize, or a different underlying condition, so if you can't see a doctor for any reason, see if a friend has a doctor…