How often do you weigh yourself?



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Depends. Sometimes daily, maybe only a few times a week, once a week... it just depends on what is going on. Last week I was out of state, so I weighed myself on Thursday before I left and then not again until Monday. This week I weighed every day, but skipped today. Sunday's are my official weigh in day though. :tongue:
  • Trignon
    Trignon Posts: 21 Member
    Every morning before eating and sometimes after bike rides that extent for more than three hours.

    Only concerned about weight loss that points to dehydration issues.
  • erinbartholomew5
    erinbartholomew5 Posts: 44 Member
    Same here. I find that every day at the same time or every other day helps to remind me to eat better during the day. If I eat well, I don't tend to fluctuate that much, so if I gain an unexpected pound, I know exactly what caused it.
  • FabMeliO
    FabMeliO Posts: 13 Member
    I usually check my weight every 3-4 days. Sometimes I do it more often than usual, it keeps me in line if I start going overboard with the eating and the lack of exercise.
  • therocpile
    therocpile Posts: 54 Member
    Two times a month, once at the start and once at the end.
    Now that I'm maintaining though, I'll be checking every week on Sunday to see how my weight fluctuates.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I weigh daily for the reasons that John Walker discusses in the chapter "Signal and Noise" in _The Hacker's Diet_ (free at Now that I am approaching maintenance, I find it's especially important to keep an eye on my trend; back when I was losing at 1.1 pounds a week, the trend was pretty obvious.

    I'll also weigh myself before and after a long bike ride (anything over 2 hours), to check on hydration.
  • never
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I usually do it once a week "officially", as in to enter my weight in MFP. But I actually weigh myself every day just because I'm curious about the fluctuations. I've seen an 8lb difference from day to another. I know I didn't gain 8lbs over night, but it makes me think twice about that second cup of Miso soup! Damn salt.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    Since I been big all my life, and seen way too many dieticians over the years, obviously only see them each month.

    So I tend to check daily myself, just to give myself a guide as to how my meals are affecting me, but will only update my weight and measurements per month as if I was still going to see dietician.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Almost everyday! Which most people disapprove of but, for me, I'm either caring about my weight or really really NOT caring. I gain weight during long periods of time not weighing myself. So I check in everyday, knowing that the reckoning is coming in the morning helps me behave through out the day. I don't get upset about the little fluctuations though. And I don't weigh myself or count calories during my angry lady time.

    I weigh every day too. Just keeps me on track..

    I laughed at " Angry Lady Time " lol

    Instead of TOM we should use ALT

    I laughed, too. Also at "shark week."

    I weigh nearly every day, but only record it on Mondays. Small fluctuations don't bother me. I just use them to help me analyze what I'm eating... too much sodium, usually.
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    Once a week
  • Every morning. I measure myself about once a month. I, too, use it to make sure I am not eating too much sodium and am drinking enough water.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    Weigh every day. Log every day. Do what works for you.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi weigh myself every Friday morning, but I only record my weight every fourth week, because I am almost at my goal weight and my weight fluctuates a lot so it can get very frustrating recording my weight too often.

  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Every Friday morning ???? if I lost or gained, then I record on MFP.
  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    Wrote this awhile ago:

    Today I discovered another reason why I weigh myself daily and record it on mfp. Let me say first, if the daily fluctuations bothered me I would seriously rethink doing this, but they don't. I was entertaining the idea of not recording daily for one vain reason, however: my mfp friends "liking" when I lose the same darn pound over and over! I won't stop, though, and here is why:
    Since Aug. 29th I have weighed basically the same. So, for 14 days, no downward trend. This was a little concerning as I have steadily lost on average 1.25 pounds per week up till now. so, I decided to look at my reports. Yep, no change. Then I looked at Aug.28th. 3 pounds heavier than Aug. 29th! If I didn't weigh myself daily I wouldn't have seen that! If I weighed daily but didn't record daily, I probably wouldn't have remembered that drop! If I only wrote down my numbers I wouldn't have the nice visual graph to see the patterns!

    So for me information is power and the more the better!
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    When I feel particularly lighter that morning. That generally ends up being every week or two. (The scale has failed to move much, but that's okay cause measurements are showing progress.) I do measurements every other day though, which is probably overkill.
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    Right now, twice per week to gauge diet progress. But normally, about once per week if that.
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    I was weighing every week, but was getting completely stressed out over it. I tried to go to monthly, but that was too long for me, so I settled for the 15th and last day of the month. That's working pretty well so far. Instead of being afraid of weighing in case I didn't lose that much, I can't wait to weigh because I know I will have lost a good bit.
  • I don't get upset about the little fluctuations though. And I don't weigh myself or count calories during my angry lady time.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ LOVE IT :D ^^^^^^ lol :)
  • Strikingly_Jackie
    Strikingly_Jackie Posts: 21 Member
    Every single day... some times multiple times a day. It has helped me to be able to see how specific foods directly impact my weight. The fluctuations do not bother me, and I am able to pretty well predict what will happen.

    LOL @ Shark week and Angry Lady Time
  • I weigh in every morning after I exercise.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    When I'm feeling lighter :)
  • Almost everyday! Which most people disapprove of but, for me, I'm either caring about my weight or really really NOT caring. I gain weight during long periods of time not weighing myself. So I check in everyday, knowing that the reckoning is coming in the morning helps me behave through out the day. I don't get upset about the little fluctuations though. And I don't weigh myself or count calories during my angry lady time.

    Agreed! Me too. Now if I know I've been bad on my eating, I may give it a day or two to bounce back so I don't get freaked out when I step on the scale. But generally speaking, it's my motivator and keeps me on track.
  • chuckm403
    chuckm403 Posts: 24 Member
    weekly , check measurements at the same time and if heading in the wrong direction, use my calipers to give a rough idea on bf% too

    This !!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I will track one weigh-in, that is my Tuesday weigh-in, post workout.

    But I will sometimes weigh daily and put that number into my lifting app I use, so I can plot the trend over time.

    Reason being for now, I am trying to gain weight, so I wnat to make sure I do, but not to much