Add me as well. I need all the help I can get lol
Im on day 9 of the 30Day shred and so far i have lost an inch off my arms and 1 1/2 off my waist. and lost about 3lbs. Im sooo glad I seen your post For a second I was about to quit (idk why just being lazy) but seeing this post just gave me another breath of fresh air! thank you!
WOW I admire you for setting a goal of losing 100 pounds! hear i am complaining about trying to lose 10( ultimately 50lbs but i'm taking baby steps in increments of 10lbs lol ) thnk you for the motivation!
Yessss! being fat is not a choice anymore! you just gave me my new motivational saying! Thnak you lol
Thanx at least I know Im not alone! Congratulations on the 100 pound weight loss I can't even wrap my head around losing that much weight (even though I could afford it) lol.
Wow thats a different way of looking at it. Ive always been told I look like may father(He's always struggled with weight) but since we don't have that good of a relationship i've always took it as something negative (Even though the person didn't mean anything negative by it). I to also looked at this as thinking that…
Im trying to do the same! Im already been enrolled in school but I just want to come back as a slightly new and improved person. We can all motivate each other!
Don't give up! Just jump back on the wagon and keep on going. I suggest trying this 30 day shred workout its been working for me. Im on day 5 and i've already lost 2 inch off of my waist and 1 inch off my arm! you can find the videos on youtube for free. Theres 3 levels you do each level for 10 days. Hopes this helped you.…