

  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver (and family) is a wonderful book about nutrition, and eating organic foods. It is written throughout the span of a year from three different family members, and includes recipes.
  • With so many mixed reviews out there, I have decided to just drink water with lemons, limes, cucumbers, etc. Or iced tea. It all tastes good, is refreshing, and I have yet to hear anyone dispute the healthiness of them.
  • You can get a filtering system that goes under your sink and has its own tap. It's more expensive than a pitcher, but it filters better and the filters last longer. Also, I put lemons, limes, cucumbers, mint leaves, etc. in my water- if you let it sit overnight in the fridge, it's better than juice!
  • I'm sure going to look for one! Thanks for the info! I will keep you updated on the outcome.
  • I just started back up on trying to loose some weight. In college I gained 50lbs, and thought it had something to do with "the freshman 15." Then one day my mom was talking about how crappy she felt from menopause, and everything she was describing fit with what I was experiencing. I told her, "Mom, I think I am having…