Takes2long Member


  • I followed BLE for a month and did lose weight and just felt better overall. I had three other people in the house and it was difficult to cook for everyone while making sure I stuck to those bright lines. I fell off the wagon and never got back on :-( I know it works, so I'm trying to ease back in slowly so I don't get…
  • Thanks everyone! The sneakers I run in do have excellent support and normally I don't have any issues running. I have orthotics because of a toe issue, but they hurt to wear while running, so I leave them in the sneakers I wear to my MMA class. I think just not running for almost 3 weeks AND upping it to 4 miles was the…
  • LMFAO...I may have the tendency to use profanity every once in a great while. Ahahahahahaha!! I effin swear a LOT, although I do try not to in public, or in front of certain people that are just too sensitive :D Request sent!
  • I'm 46. Struggling to lose 25 pounds. Been here over 4 years. You'd think I'd have it by now. Exercise pretty regularly. Its my food choices :'( Feel free to add me.
  • When I hear things like 'my garden' or 'my dog' or 'I decided to...' when in truth its OUR garden, OUR dog, and WE decided...Pisses me the hell off!!!
  • My HR was around 170-180 but now I have to work to get it that high. However, when I'm running, it works its way up to 190. I'm 46 and weigh 170. I'm overweight for sure, but not that much out of shape. I've had all sorts of testing done and my heart is fine. Because my HR drops down fairly quickly, the Dr's and trainers…
  • Awesome results!!
    in Boom! Comment by Takes2long January 2016
  • I'll be 46 in July. I wouldn't say I LOVE to exercise, but I love the way I feel after a great workout. I think I love food more ;) My exercise is keeping me from gaining, but my food choices are keeping me from losing. I will not quit. Feel free to add me :-)
  • You mean water doesn't cancel out the sweets?? That's crazy talk :p LOL…if you read my profile, we sound very similar. You can add me if you want :-)
  • I'll be 46 in July and I can relate to your pictures. I have 25 to lose and it's been such a struggle!! It certainly takes courage to post those pictures. It's not how others see us, it's how we see ourselves. And thats a tough one to overcome. We are so very hard on ourselves and say things in our head that we would…
  • That is AWESOME! Congratulations :)
  • Good morning! I'm Deidre :-)
  • Congrats to you!!! That's a LOT of hard work and dedication!! You should get a pic of you crossing that finish line and show that PT. Bet it would bring a huge smile to his face knowing you DID it when he didn't think you might ever be able to run again :)
  • I'm sorry for your loss. What a great post. Every run, every time you wear the sneakers that she got for you, every pair of new sneakers, you'll remember your mom and smile. That's wonderful :D
  • LOL…scrambled egg sandwich on toast with dill pickles. Mac-N-Cheese and put in cut up hot dogs. Yummy! Has to be boxed M&C, with the powder cheese. I know, I know…but it's oh so good! (I don't use ALL the butter, so it's OK :p )
  • I have a 1/2 cup scoop that I use, not so I can measure. Just because it looks cute on the plate. Yup…that's why!!! :p Most of these sound realllllllllyyyy familiar…. :-) as I end my 1093 day of being here.
  • I think that store bread might have lower calories because of all the fillers they can add. Homemade bread tastes better and doesn't have all that extra gunk. You can add whatever you like, higher fiber, seeds, raisins and cinnamon. It's so versatile!! And pretty cheap to make as well. KingArthurFlour.com might be of some…
  • I'll send a friend request. You're close to me :-) Mexico, NY
  • I wore my skinny jeans that have been in the back of the closet for a bit. I could get them on, but felt, and looked, like a sausage ready to pop! Well, I put them on Saturday and zipped them right up. Holy WOW!! They're not loose, but they FIT!! Wore them all damn day :D
  • The smile in your after picture says it all!! You look great :)
  • Congratulations!!! You look fantastic! :bigsmile: (Love the blue pants, too!!!)
  • WooHoo!! You look great :happy: LOVE your advice, especially #1. OK…all of them :tongue:
  • WooHoo!!!! What a great way to start a Friday :happy: Great job!!!!
  • LMAO….45…overworked 365 days/year, NO pay, NO vacation, No sick days, No time off…Yup, SAHM. Some benefits that are awesome, but a lot of head banging. LOL...And it's not from the music. BTW…Bon Jovi on the Oldies station is just wrong! Same with Thomas Dolby and Duran Duran. Wrong, I tell ya! Send a request if you'd like…
  • If you enter your numbers on the ScoobyWorkshop site, it'll give you some numbers. 'Your Projected Weight Loss and Metabolic Rate" This is how I use the numbers… I try not to go under my BMI. Most of the time it isn't even an issue for me :laugh: Your TDEE is the calories you need to eat to stay right where you are right…
  • If you buy chicken with the bone-in, bone it yourself. Take the scraps and bones and toss in a pot and make some broth. Pick off the chunks that were stuck to the bones, and skim the broth. Use the broth to make Egg Drop Soup (broth, powdered ginger, soy sauce, black pepper and beaten eggs) and the chicken pieces to make…
  • I've just spent the past hour looking at all these sites. Specifically…BudgetBytes.com. :love: O.M.G. At least 9 recipes bookmarked. I usually go to Allrecipes.com. I think I've found a few new favorites!! Thanks for the suggestions :bigsmile:
  • Thanks everyone. I have the FitBit flex. I"ll look into that suggestion. I"ll also check out the Zombie run app. :laugh: LOL…I HAVE taken pictures with my phone as proof. Thankfully, the second time the instructor walked by and saw the numbers herself.
  • I've had mine for around a month or so. It does track my activity, but I use my HRM when I'm exercising, too. One thing I'll mention is if you get it, or for anyone else that has one…sign up with EveryMove.org. Sync it all together, and you earn points for your activity. Especially steps!! I've earned free shoes, discounts…
  • That makes sense!! Thanks for all the help :happy: