Love My Running Shoes



  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    wow, thank you for sharing such a meaningful post with us. It's beautiful, I'm really moved… your mom sounds like she was an incredible woman. Sometimes, when I'm out on the trails, I feel so free, I feel we are connected to this eternal life force, connected to not only those we are with now, but also those who have passed and those who have not yet arrived…. and nice shoes man!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Love this so very much! Love your shoes and that you love them and the connection to your mom. I think it is so awesome that you were able to share the joy that you have in running with her and that she felt so much a part of it! The expression of pure joy and love on her face says it all!
    I lost my mom when I was pretty young (20) and I often wonder what she would think of my running and the changes I have made, especially starting as late as I have...
  • ChicagOH
    ChicagOH Posts: 75 Member
    Great story. Make sure you wear every pair down to a nub, young man. Then, let's figure out something cool to make from the laces!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    ChicagOH wrote: »
    Make sure you wear every pair down to a nub, young man. Then, let's figure out something cool to make from the laces!

    I have over 800 miles on the first pair she got me... the foam part of the soles are so thin that when I run in them little stones work their way through into my shoe. And good idea on the laces... I wouldn't have come up with that on my own.

  • amo314
    amo314 Posts: 23 Member
    I love your shoes, too. What an awesome Mom!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. What a great post. Every run, every time you wear the sneakers that she got for you, every pair of new sneakers, you'll remember your mom and smile. That's wonderful :D
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    Incredible post. Love the use of the images in the context of the story.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story brought back a precious memory of losing my own mother to lung cancer in 2012. She insisted that I continue my workouts, no matter how bad things got with her, because she supported me so much. In caring for her in hospice at home, I only missed 3 workouts in the 3 weeks she was ill. You've given me a great way to remember that she's always with me. I can't thank you enough for that.
  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    Beautiful. Your mothers actions just scream of how proud she was. And her face in that picture is more proof. Proud, proud mama.
  • lastspen
    lastspen Posts: 106 Member
    Great post!!!!
  • IndianPrincess8888
    IndianPrincess8888 Posts: 103 Member
    Beautiful story. (tears). RIP MOM !
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Lovely story!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Beautiful- I love it- and the connection you have with the collection.
    - also
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    @Ingrunert... thank you for that... I lived in Menomonee Falls for about 15 years...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Beautiful. I'm crying too. What a great tribute to your mom. Thank you for writing and sharing it.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Beautiful....thank you for sharing! Love the shoes, love the photo with you, your brother and mom. Very sweet and touching.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    oh damn, whos cutting the onions in here......
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is a beautiful story on so many levels, very poetic. The photos go well with it, too. I am so glad she could see you run and enjoying yourself, and you could feel her pride. Thank you for sharing it with us.