

  • I recently found this bra and OH MY GOD it's a miracle! I've had bouncing boobage my whole life and this bra totally does the trick. I've even started running recently and this bra is keeping the girls right where they should be. (I am a 36I for reference)
  • I'm in a similar boat! Lost 10lbs so far and my cup has gone UP from a G to an I! What the heck is going on?! lol
  • I went to a yoga flow class the other day and the pyramid pose felt awesome at the time, but the next day my sciatica was so bad I couldn't walk. I went to see my physio and she said the best remedy was to go easy on the affected area and avoid the motions that caused the inflamation. (for me this was forward bending). She…
  • A brilliant way to put it! The kid on Jerry McGuire said the Human head weighs 8 pounds, so I reckon with all her hair and accessories, I've lost a Katy Perry head... now for the rest of that sassy dame!...
  • You just have to do it. One thing I have found helpful though is to use a pedometer. I have a FitBit Zip and I use it to track all the running around I do on campus. I logged 3 miles on Wed. just going from class to class and meeting to meeting. Here are some other ideas: If your school has an on campus transit system or…
  • I saw the same post about TDEEs and such. In the end, I've opted to work on a compromise between fitbit and MFP. Fitbit is a pedometer and phone/computer app that syncs with MFP. They adjust each other based on how much I move and how much I eat and usually settle around 1400-1500 calories for me which has been doable. I…
  • Hi all! I'm Trish, I'm 27 and a full time PhD student at the University of British Columbia. My Fiance and I got engaged on New Year's eve this year and we're thinking a summer 2014 wedding because we have 4 weddings to go to already this summer and I would like to finish (or nearly finish) my PhD before we get married. I…
  • aww thanks. Way to defuse my math bomb! :)
  • I've started juicing too and I find that any of the recipes with ginger are just tooooooo potent for me to take. Also, if you're JUST starting, go easy on the beets. Apparently they can cause a "detox reaction" where they clear up too many toxins our of the liver at once and cause you to vomit... at least that's how my bad…
  • I totally wear two sports bras so I don't get punched by my own chest... lol
  • I am on day 3 of level 1 and I find that my feet cramp during the cardio section. I am planning on getting to a good running store and see if it's a shoe issue though since my feet seem to be rolling outward more than they ought to. I am finding that my quads and glutes are incredibly sore pretty much all the time now, so…
  • I could totally use a motivated friend! :)
  • Amen, you don't need to be worrying about weightloss at this point! I am sure you are gaining muscle mass which is why your body has stabilized. Work on toning muscles now to get the look and strength you want and stop worrying about the number. Maybe give some weight work, kinesiology classes, core yoga or pilates a try…
  • I'm 26 and hoping to lose 75lbs in the next year or two. I know it's going to take time and diligence, so I would love any support y'all can offer and I will give it too!
  • I'm liking my pedometer. My goal is 10,000 steps a day (minimum) and I will increase that as I get stronger and more fit. Bumming around the house I usually knock out about 2,000, then do the rest at the gym on a machine, go out dancing, take walks around the city I live in, grab a friend and go on gossiping walks to catch…
  • I am in the same boat! I have found that getting a pedometer actually motivates me to move my butt more. My goal is 10,000 steps minimum a day, a lot of which comes from being on the elliptical at the gym or going dancing, but it also gives you credit for the little walks all day long, like parking farther away from where…