

  • I had mine out last year. I went to back to work the next day but took the next two off. After 1 week, i was mostly back to normal but took it easy for a month before going back to exercise. It was slow going when I did. (Old people were passing me walking on the street.But, slow and steady wins the race and after a couple…
  • The best part of doing it at 4:30am is leaving the gym at 5:45am, done for the day.
  • I also love my FitBit. Accurate and discrete. I love that it syncs with my computer automatically (I would forget to do it) And like mentioned before, very small so no one knows it there. I went through a TSA pat down, forgetting it was there, and it wasn't found. Kinda scary actually. I’ve had mine for 18 months and would…
  • Fish taco, then eat just the insides with a fork. (Easier to do if in a soft shell.)
  • I'm right there with you. I don't particularly like the taste and for years had a mental block with it. If I drank too much, I would physically get sick. (And by too much I mean more than 16oz ) I got over it with Crystal Lite. Adding flavor to it got me to drink it and the more I got used to having the bottle around, the…
  • My mouth didn't dry out but it left a funny after taste. I switched to Oikos and didn't have the issue. Chiobani was good too. Danon just didn't taste right to me.