plasticserenity Member


  • Almost every week I have mad pizza craving, usually on a Friday after a long week at work. And unlike some of the amazingly strong-willed people here, I can't just have a couple of slices or half a pizza! Seriously you guys are superhuman :) My absolute favourite is Dr Oetker Ristorante Pollo. It's actually really tasty (I…
  • Exactly this, I could have written this post myself :) Being newly-single I knew that Valentine's might be a tough day for me, so I've been extra sensible all week so that I can allow myself some cheat-food. Takeaway pizza and chips for me, along with Netflix and a onesie. Also my recent-ex has made me a lovely…
  • I'm also 5'6" and looking to lose maybe 8 to 10 lbs. I'm on 1230 solely because that's what MFP has told me - I've set it to a pound a week and I eat back my exercise calories. Upping to this figure (which is usually about 1400 after exercise) is actually a little strange to me, as before I educated myself as to what a…
  • Thank you for your reply, it's definitely reassuring. It had crossed my mind that my metabolism might have taken some damage by my eating habits. So my next question: does this mean I can expect to see some weight gain now that I've bumped my calories up to a more appropriate level? And if so, will this take a long time to…