samfleming96155 Member


  • Congrats! I just found out on Wednesday that I'm pregnant too! Due on Nov 5th :) Doc told me to try and maintain my weight now rather than lose and advised me to up my cals to 1800 and go from there. How you feeling?
  • Hey I'm from London, got just over 2 stone to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi thanks, I will definitely look into a BodyMedia Fit Link, but I definitely can't afford one right away. Will have to start putting a bit of money away each week earmarked for health and fitness purchases. I've recently quit smoking so I'm sure I can squirrel away some of the money I was spending on that for fitness…
  • I never said that I was trying to use my day to day activity as a replacement for actual exercise, I was just concerned that having me placed at sedentary would be too low. My flat mate is not a jerk, he is one of my best friends but his sense of humour is very harsh. I really don't like people watching me exercise (I'm…
  • Wow thanks for the hint, I've just put my info into this spreadsheet and it is suggesting 1903 cals a day. That's a huge difference! It recommends upping it gradually for a few weeks if it is more than 200 cals over my normal goal, so I think I'll up to 1700 for a week, then 1800 the next week and see what happens. Thank…
  • Wow that turned into a little essay! Lol sorry! :)
  • I'd love to run after work, but I always so my food shopping before work and bring it home with me on the bus so not practical. Regarding wanting to turn my work into exercise as an excuse not to go to the gym, I don't know what gave you that impression but its not like that at all! I know I don't do nearly enough moving…
  • Eurgh wish I could edit the title! Silly error there, sorry!
  • Argh I feel your pain! I keep doing exactly the same! Luckily, my binges seem to balance out my deficit, meaning I stay the same rather than gain, which isn't so bad, but I really want to get to a healthy weight! I'm trying to plan a healthy weekend for this week to try and break the cycle!
  • Not really much help, but wanted to sympathise. My Husband and I went backpacking in Thailand around 4 years ago, and although I am not Vegan, he is. He had exactly the same issues as you, and ended up just eating as veggie as he really couldn't find a way around the fish sauce issue! Its literally in everything over…