

  • Chocolate causes bingeing for me (disorders eating). Because of health problems (pcos, hypothyroidism, starving mode-hyperemesis during pregnancy, etc) , I follow a low carb diet and I make my own chocolate bars with unsweetened chocolate, liquid stevia, vanilla and nuts. Sometimes I make truffles (Google Fat bombs or…
  • I had the sleeve in October of 2012. I lost 90 and then got pregnant. I was eating 500 calories a day and during pregnancy ate 1500 (religiously, plus I had hyperemesis and threw up 20+ times a day) and gained 60 pounds. The surgery totally screwed my metabolism and now I'm doing Keto because regular calorie deficit…
  • I too have suffered from eating disorders (bingeing, and bulimia) I never really lost weight but I remember one thing that helped was an "exchange" diet. For example, breakfast was 1 protein exchange, 1 fruit exchange and 1 carbohydrate exchange. Then I had a list of the different exchanges. I could pick and choose and not…
  • Hello! I just started T25 today, the cardio was a little rough as Ive been doing 30 day shred and c25k and it was much harder. Sending you a friend request!
  • I have seen a therapist and it wasn't really helpful. The pregnancy was planned, as the fertility doctor said my PCOS wasn't allowing me to ovulate and that we should start trying right away, because we need a year of trying before we could do fertility treatments. Well she was wrong, my husband and I'm conceived the first…
  • Just an FYI...there's a groupon/living social deal for half off entry!
  • Sorry for the stupid question, but by does dairy free mean egg free too? I know it can go both ways...either way, Google Jamie Eason protein bars. She has a chocolate, a lemon and a pumpkin bar. I use eggs but I've heard that the egg replacement works well too. The pumpkin is really good, and for the lemon one, I use lemon…
  • Hello, I had the gastric sleeve done in October 2012 and lost 70lbs, then regained 60 (pregnancy caused me to lose all restrictions and being high risk I was in bed a lot). I'm now looking to lose 90 lbs and could definitely use friends. I keep my diary open for anyone to view. My mom and grandmother both had the bypass,…