Scared to eat more than 1200 calories? (long)


  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    first, are you seeing a therapist? and i mean that in the best possibly way. with some unhealthy approaches to weightloss, weightloss surgery, pregnancy 6 months post-op, "obsession" (your words) with weight losss, etc. it sounds like you have a number of things to work on especially with a child now that solely depends on you.

    with that said, if 1200 is not a comfortable calorie range bump it up to 1300, playing with the ranges to see what fits you and still allows you to lose is your best trial and error avenue.

    but i highly highly suggest you work with a therapist on all things going on with yourself and he/she can also help you with a healthy approach to your diet plan. if i were you, i would make it about health and not about weightloss....

    good luck
  • I have seen a therapist and it wasn't really helpful. The pregnancy was planned, as the fertility doctor said my PCOS wasn't allowing me to ovulate and that we should start trying right away, because we need a year of trying before we could do fertility treatments. Well she was wrong, my husband and I'm conceived the first month. I realize that it probably sounded like I'm a little nuts, but other than the weight loss obsession, I'm not having issues in any other area of my life. Thank you for your response.

    first, are you seeing a therapist? and i mean that in the best possibly way. with some unhealthy approaches to weightloss, weightloss surgery, pregnancy 6 months post-op, "obsession" (your words) with weight losss, etc. it sounds like you have a number of things to work on especially with a child now that solely depends on you.

    with that said, if 1200 is not a comfortable calorie range bump it up to 1300, playing with the ranges to see what fits you and still allows you to lose is your best trial and error avenue.

    but i highly highly suggest you work with a therapist on all things going on with yourself and he/she can also help you with a healthy approach to your diet plan. if i were you, i would make it about health and not about weightloss....

    good luck