maniahum Member


  • This sounds awesome
  • W4D2 finished! I cant beleive Im doing 5 minute runs. Wasnt so easy today I didnt sleep well last night. My gym partner and I might redo this week to prepare for week 5.
  • Hello! I just finished my first week. I might do it over again until I dont have to skip any of the runs (last run I only skipped one!) I downloaded an audible book app too which seems to help me focus less on how long Im running for. So far so good, Im really proud that ive done this much.
  • Hey everyone! Had an awesome leg workout this morning! Dumbbells and body weigh but I felt it right after I was done (that good sore feeling) Tomorrow is a run day! I was gonna go yesterday but it rained all day!
  • Hello! This is my second day getting back into the swing of things. I lost 30 pouds before, got busy at work and watched my diet and exercise routine slip. I got a free weight set last night and did my first routine this morning! Chest, tris and shoulders! I feel awesome! I need to loose weight and build my chest for top…
  • I'm a trans guy! Been on testosterone for a year! So I can have the best possible results I want to loose as much weight and pack on as much muscle as I can. I don't have a surgery date or am I really anywhere close but it's all about the small steps! Feel free to add me!
  • Looking for lots of support and encouragment!
  • Yeah. My name is Taylor. I'm a trans guy (any other trans folk on here???) and weight has been a big thing for me. In order to get my top surgery I need to loose weight, which is something that is not optional. Plus I'd just like to be at a healthy weight. I'm 5ft 7 and I'm 267 pounds. A few months ago I was at 280. My…