


  • BadgerFaced
    BadgerFaced Posts: 66 Member
    Gah! So many lovely people since I last posted! :smiley: Feel free to add me! I've had a wonderful streak lately and feel like sharing some of my own motivation with others! I'm a trans guy, been on HRT since June 16th 2014, planning on top surgery soon-ish but want to lose some weight before than. I also need to lose weight before I get any bottom surgeries done, like a hysto. I don't weight myself very often, just when I go in for doctor's appointments (and for us trans folk that's often enough). Happy logging everyone!
  • maniahum
    maniahum Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a trans guy! Been on testosterone for a year! So I can have the best possible results I want to loose as much weight and pack on as much muscle as I can. I don't have a surgery date or am I really anywhere close but it's all about the small steps! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi all, I thought I had posted on here, but I guess I've just been trolling ;) The name's Rhiannon. I don't like labels much, but I can settle on queer for the purpose of communicating that I'm "not straight", lol! I am a sensitive as well, for those of you in those circles. My husband is trans, but we lived as "lesbians" for awhile. Please feel free to add me as I'm really in need of some new friends :smile:
  • BlueStarBoi
    BlueStarBoi Posts: 81 Member
    FTM here....
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    FTM. Been on T since July 2014 and had top surgery in November. I've started the Beach Body Body Beast program to try to build some muscle and plan to start training for my second half marathon in a few days. Feel free to add me. It would be nice to have some trans friends on here to help me stay motivated.
  • notakumquat
    notakumquat Posts: 29 Member
    Trans guy here. I would love to have new friends; especially those who can relate on more than just the weight loss level. I just started T this week and am interested to see the changes and curious as to how it will affect these last 10 or so pounds I have left to lose. :D
  • RebeccaOphelia
    RebeccaOphelia Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not trans but I'd happily befriend and support a transgender person. Add me if you like :smiley:
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I know I've posted here already, but I am an FTM (pre-transition, but I present as male outside of work). I'm coming back to myfitnesspal after a long break and some not so good eating choices and would love to have some new trans friends.
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello all..label here...idk. I'm just me.. i like me and enough. Willing to encourage lift and listen to whoever. I'm low carb and lost over a hundred. I got this fo sho.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm also not trans (I'm bi) but I super friendly and here to support everyone.
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    In the process of gathering thoughts of what/who I really am recent breakup with my GF made me think a lot in general, and this is one of the big issues...:)
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    So, is been a while since I've been on the forums. Just figured out I'm a transguy this last Christmas. Hoping to be more active now that I've got some *kitten* dealt with. Always open to new friends, especially ones that might understand some of this.
  • iztastic
    iztastic Posts: 3 Member
    I'll just copy and paste my intro from another thread:

    Hey! Gay transguy here. I've never gotten into the community aspect of MFP, though I've used it to track calories before. I fell off for a while and gained the weight back(and then some).

    I figure getting more involved with the community here will help me stick with it and add some accountability.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • muzic17
    muzic17 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm a queer transguy from the northeast. I do a lot of area advocacy for the trans community but have not been so great at taking care of myself. I started my transition about 10 years ago and have gained about 60 lbs in the time. I lost about 30lbs 2 years ago and then changed jobs and slowly gained just about all of it back. I'm at 245. 248 was my heaviest. Getting to close to that has been eye opening. I am trying to make a commitment to lose some weight and get more healthy. I have been on here for a while on and off but haven't added any friends and was trying to do this privately. That hasn't worked well so far so I figured I would try joining a group!
  • Rogue_RN
    Rogue_RN Posts: 6 Member
    I'm ftm and looking to make some ftm friends. I had too surgery in September. Please be my friend :)
  • Peacebone
    Peacebone Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Seb, a transguy from the UK. I'm pre-T, but hoping to get in to a gender clinic in the next few months.
  • Zyphun
    Zyphun Posts: 102 Member
    Wow! Talk about a thread that never dies! Since it is here and my last post so crushing negative, I thought I would say...

    Wow, what a few years make! I am still struggling with my weight. I got down to 260 last time, and then through only fault of my own I went up to a staggering 360! But all is not lost. I am on my way down again and best of all I doing it while progressing though my transistion! Nothing motivates me like the idea of finally being able to wear the kind of clothes I have always wanted. I mean is it just me or do most clothing manufacturers seem to think is any that looks nice is wrong for someone over a size 18? Oh well, I will look much better in a tank top when it is showing a figure and not how many rolls I have collected. ewwww.

    Anyway hi to all again. I am not doing this to brag, well not completely, but because I know there are boys and girls out there who feel it is hopeless and that never is as certain as a sunrise. But I want you to keep at it. It will happen. You don't need to fight or struggle. Just do the hardest thing on earth and be patient and more then all that be ready for the day where you finally reach goal!
  • Steph5226
    Steph5226 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello to all!!! 50 - M2F Transgender here. Been out public and living openly now since July 2012.... Always happy to accept diet pals, make new friends.

  • mandieinheels
    mandieinheels Posts: 192 Member
    Hi all, I am coming off a crazy last couple of years. I went from thinking since high school I was bi and cross dresser, to last year figuring out/accepting I am gay. Now this year it hit me as I really searched my soul, I am a trans girl. Everything makes sense now throughout my life. I am so happy and so scared!! I also am married with kids and have no idea what to do next.
    I would love any support or advice I can get and I will do the same as best I can. Please feel free to add me!
  • mandieinheels
    mandieinheels Posts: 192 Member
    Hi all, I am coming off a crazy last couple of years. I went from thinking since high school I was bi and cross dresser, to last year figuring out/accepting I am gay. Now this year it hit me as I really searched my soul, I am a trans girl. Everything makes sense now throughout my life. I am so happy and so scared!! I also am married with kids and have no idea what to do next.
    I would love any support or advice I can get and I will do the same as best I can. Please feel free to add me!