desireeak Member


  • As others have suggested - Quest bars. I LOVE them!
  • If you're breastfeeding, I personally didn't lose a single pound until I stopped nursing (which was a full year later). And I was even working out with a personal trainer 3x/week!! Once I weaned my daughter, the weight started coming off.
  • For me, it was reminding myself that any progress is STILL progress. I once lost 8 lbs. in 4 weeks then on week 5 didn't lose a thing and got so frustrated I almost quit entirely. I made myself really LOOK at the progress I had made and realized that the 8 lbs. from before was an incredible thing and that I should be proud…
  • Wow - this thread has been a real eye opener for me! I am 5'8", 185 lbs. and a size 10. I can fit into an 8 in pants, but they are a little too snug for me to commit to an 8 :) I was actually REALLY discouraged this week because I've only lost like 10 lbs via the scale, but am a completely different person when you look at…