

  • There is a major difference in spec ops and spec forces. ops is the support unit. We went everywhere with them but were not the bad *kitten*. Also, I was pretty low on the rank structure so I just did what I was told and got drunk after work. I'm trying to do it right this time.
  • army is just push up sit, ups, run. I already pass just looking to get healthier. I absolutely don't want to be body builder big. let's say look good at the beach type fit.
  • Thanks for the info. The 2-5 abs a day thing was just a guess. I normally just avoid it since I hate sit ups.
  • wow, fast responses on this forum.
  • in case any one wants to help make one. equipment available: Bench press. ez bar dumbbells total gym running shoes Access to several full gyms Goals: abs = biggest goal. I hear these can be done everyday so 2-5 exercises a day would be nice running = I run a 2 mile in 15 minutes, would like to get to 13:30; overall better…
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