

  • So I was looking at my net calories consumed report and it does not reflect my food journal. For example, I ate 1,616 calories today, but the bar on the graph for today doesn't quite pass 1,500 cal. Is there something I don't know about the way this report works. I got extra cals from exercise, but the numbers just don't…
    in Reports...? Comment by delpha2 June 2008
  • So, everything I've read says that in order for a cardio workout to be truly effective you should do it for 20 minutes minimum. What about anaerobic exercise? How long do we need to lift weights in order to see the benefits? Trying to find a balance between the two (and perhaps a more efficient way of working out). -D
  • Hi Everyone! I live in Turkey (but I am not Turkish). Life is a crazy adventure here. I have had some back problems for the past year. I've had problems with two discs and more recently I've suffered from some pretty horrible sciatica. My back pain has put me in bed for weeks at a time and no therapy I've tried has helped.…
  • Hi! I am new here... I just wanted to comment about "not liking people". I have the same problem. Sometimes I just avoid going out and prefer to get in my pajamas and stay at home reading or doing some work. I wouldn't say that I am totally depressed, but I've been happier. I was reading the New York Times the other day…