

  • I log everything except seasonings and water. As far as things like Halloween and Thanksgiving, I give myself one day a month (ONE DAY ONLY) that I do not log at all. If I know I'm going to a potluck or a big meal or a special occasion, I save that day as my monthly day mostly because it's too hard for me to try and log a…
  • Drink lots and lots and lots of water! It really helps! and eat something small within 30 minutes of waking up to get your metabolism going. To keep your metabolism up throughout the day make sure you are eating something, even if its a small snack (even if its just a couple grapes or something similar) every 3 hours so…
  • Im just starting my weight loss, so sounds like a good start to me :) knowing that I agreed to lose 5 pounds may make me more motivated!
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