Are there foods that you DON'T log???



  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    I log it all! Including supplements, vitamins, etc... It has helped me more than anything else. :)
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    I'm kind of surprised by the things people don't log. Orange juice is over 100 cals per serving, and over 25 carbs, mainly sugar. That's a lot to me, but I guess everyone has different goals.
  • archivalbiz
    archivalbiz Posts: 2 Member
    I log everything. Vitamins, coffee (which I drink a LOT of), everything. I'd feel I was cheating myself if I didn't log it all. Also, someone mentioned not logging water. Actually, your water intake is very important! It can make a big difference in how you digest food and it's essential for every cell in your body. (my $.02)
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    i don't log things that have no cals or veggies that i cook with. If i'm just using olive oil or butter to saute something i don't add that either

    word, me too. I also don't log pill form medications or water. I know I drink well over 100 oz. a day so what's the point.
  • I log everything except seasonings and water. As far as things like Halloween and Thanksgiving, I give myself one day a month (ONE DAY ONLY) that I do not log at all. If I know I'm going to a potluck or a big meal or a special occasion, I save that day as my monthly day mostly because it's too hard for me to try and log a million foods that other people made.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    I don't log gum or tea/coffee (I drink them black with Splenda).

    Oh, I also have cheat days where I don't log. Usually one a weekend. It slows my weight loss but I only have 6 more to lose and I find the cheat days keep me sane and get me wanting to get back on here. It doesn't work for everyone but it works for me.
  • I don't log my actual coffee, but I log what I put in it, such as a flavoured creamer or whatever.
    I don't log gum.
    I don't log the odd little candy I grab out of the dish on the kitchen counter (which will soon be put away because it's Halloween candy and it's almost gone. lol)
    I also don't log olive oil or margarine if I use it for cooking.

    My husband, who has also lost about 35 lbs lately, bought a bunch of little chocolate bars after Halloween "because they were on special." I am forcing myself to log every single one I eat so I can keep myself accountable!! I will try to do the same around Christmas because chocolate is my downfall!
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    I'm kind of surprised by the things people don't log. Orange juice is over 100 cals per serving, and over 25 carbs, mainly sugar. That's a lot to me, but I guess everyone has different goals.

    yeah I would totally log juice. People don't realize how many calories they drink, that really adds up.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i tend not to log my cups of tea and coffee, because they have always been part of my life and always will be, without them i would struggle to get any fluids into me on some days as i rarely drink soft drinks and sometimes the water near me is just horrid
  • hdhbam
    hdhbam Posts: 40
    I don't log anything. Am I doing it wrong?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I dont log coffee , tea, or anything that is less then 10 cals, ex diet soda, ketchup, etc I realize it all adds up, but if it is under 10 cals then i would have to eat alot for it to make a difference, but whatever works for you is what you should do......
  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    Everything except diet soda(I never have an issue w/ sodium) and tic tac's. It's like 60cal for an entire pack...the pack usually last me a week or so.
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    I am newer to logging online and so there are things I dont log

    diet coke
    coffee with a little half and half and splenda
    soy sauce
    butter spray
    small amounts of vegetables
    and Im getting better at it but sometimes I don't log small bites of thing i try throughout the day.

    Besides the last one I will probably not change any of this (although I do admire people who keep track of every single little thing). Losing weight is about becoming healthier and HAPPIER and for me logging those things would be obsessive and counter productive.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I don't log water or gum.. & whatever I use to grease my pan (Pam, Crisco, etc). I log everything else.. including zero cal water (I don't drink that too often), vitamins/supps, coffee, tea, herbs/spices that I add to my cooking, etc.

    I don't plan to log Thanksgiving dinner. i'll probably just quick add a decent estimate of cals to my evening slot and call it a day lol
  • I give myself 1 cheat dessert a week that I do not log. Today for instance, I had a HUGE brownie after lunch. I busted my butt at the gym this week so I treated myself :) I see nothing wrong in it!
  • I log everything ... otherwise what`s the point. Everything has something in it regardless if it`s 0Cal, light, low cal. As well, it`s too easy to get caught up in not logging and the next thing you`re forgetting what you actually ate ... like that small chippy, or that sip of wine, or that .... never mind, you get the point .. good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am newer to logging online and so there are things I dont log

    diet coke
    coffee with a little half and half and splenda
    soy sauce
    butter spray
    small amounts of vegetables
    and Im getting better at it but sometimes I don't log small bites of thing i try throughout the day.

    Besides the last one I will probably not change any of this (although I do admire people who keep track of every single little thing). Losing weight is about becoming healthier and HAPPIER and for me logging those things would be obsessive and counter productive.
    Just an FYI, Pam is 0 calories for a 1/3 second spray. If you use a more normal amount it's going to be as much as 50 calories. Something to keep in mind, since it's labelled as 0 calories, Google on the subject, you will see discussion on the matter.
  • MissSharkattack
    MissSharkattack Posts: 323 Member
    Diet Soda (usually)
    Black Coffee/Tea
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I don't log
    - coffee
    - water
    - tea
    - olive oil spray
    - tastes of food while cooking

    I accept that there is a margin of error in all my logging, but after having done this for so long and tweaking my calorie target over time, the error is sort of "averaged out".
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I don't log lemon/lime juice (used for cooking of flavoring water), stevia extract, tea, hot sauces, spices, herbs, and some supplements on a regular basis. On occassion I might not log in the exact amount of vegetables or aromatics I'm cooking with.

    I won't always log on days I'm too busy or lazy or have foods that I don't know about. But I eat sensibly and it hasn't affected my overall efforts to lose weight and be healthy. I am at the point that I feel I have a good sense of how I'm doing without meticuously logging in everything, as I used to log in everything all the time.

    Edit to add that I don't log in nonstick cooking spray.