

  • The craving do go away. I was told that the gurgling in the stomach is the stomach shrinking. If you are used to eating large portions and high fatty goods, the first month or so is very hard. Drink plenty of water. I use crystal light to give my water some flavor. I also drink iced tea with truvia throughout the day. It…
  • You look great! My stomach is the hardest place to lose. I have stretch marks around my tummy like you had. Did they shrink! ? You can't even see them anymore! WTG!
  • Welcome! Remember before you eat, listen to your body. It tells you when it's hungry and enjoy the flavors of your food and eat slow. Trust me, we all know the hurdles in life. But we're all here for support. And when you cheat, we're here for encouragement! Best of luck!
  • Thanks to everyone for the support! I feel so much healthier already just after the first 40lbs! I want to get in a bikini next summer and live a healthy life. Living in new Orleans, there's always something going on with crawfish boils, smoke fests, grilling at tailgates. I know that I can still do all that, just in…
  • I did the same as you. I was around 135 in Hugh school and thought I was fat. I'm short but I've always had a large frame from dancing. After college and graduate school and getting married, I was tipping in at 200. I needed a change. I was told I had fertility issues and was in a pre-diabetic state. If my unhealthy life…