revjames Member


  • As above but I don't do weights. I was 'stuck' at about 188lbs for a long time having come down from 208 a couple years ago. I cut out 'sugary crap' and bread and upped my game so there was at least 1000 calorie deficit every day. In a couple of weeks I'm down to 180lb and the running is improving as a result.
  • I'll put my 2 pence worth in since lots of people start thinking about making health and fitness changes this time of year. I started out about 3 years ago weighing at my highest point 15 stone or more. Same age as the OP now. What have I learned in the last 3 years? Everything that goes in the supermarket trolley gets the…
  • I'm following a training plan which involves hill work, Thomas st a bit busy for my liking not to mention long. Perhaps Porthdafarch Hill? Want to join me?
  • I tried to max my heart rate by going flat out on my treadmill (16K) for a few mins and got to 165..... so you are saying do a 5K - a fast one I take it? or even 3K as fast as poss. will give it a go! the formula I used was 220 - age = 171 - RHR 50 = 121 x 60% - 73 + 50 = 123 @60% which works out at 147 for 80% which most…
  • have we ever met MrTez?
  • I was challenged to do this BUT - I am planning to do the Bristol 1/2 on the same day 15th sept if I'm not mistaken. I also registered for the London Marathon - EEEEK but no guarantee I'll get a place.
  • did my first half in may at age 47 and been running for about a year. wanted sub 2 hrs but had awful pain in the right hip (IT bands) due to lack of proper stretching at the start. Ended up at 2:12 which I was happy with. Brighton will be a fairly flat route? I am training on hilly routes (I live in wales!) and my current…
  • The only cheat is to yourself. If I overdo things in a day and havent had a particularly physical week, I will run for an hr to counteract it. We have to ask ourselves why we are on a site like this if we are looking for ways out.
  • I work out in my garage and use a treadmill and a cycle turbo trainer for cardio. I set up a hifi and ipod to start with and later fitted a 26" LCD tv and aerial. I find its too boring to simply run/cycle/walk without another focus.
  • Whats so special about running? well its a sense of achievement for a start. I started a year ago having struggled most of my life with weight and fitness issues. Last summer on my birthday I ran 13.5 miles in 2 hrs 15 mins - not blisteringly quick by any means but wow what an achievement. Yes the hardest thing is getting…
  • need to keep the flag flying and morale up for next weeks game against England.....
  • Gogledd Cymru! - Holyhead Anglesey
  • I put 25kg of free weights on my mechanical scal and it recorded the weight pretty much spot on. the digital recorded 25.5 so digi will be 2-4 lb heavier than the mechanical
  • large women hogging tradmills walking at 2mph with their hands firmly clasped on the handlebars instead of walking to the gym or shops in the first place.......
  • same ruling should be applied to some women and swimsuits......
  • I'm on 1260 cals a day which seems low BUT now I check the cals on everything I eat and know that I can do an exercise burn to earn more calories. Basic physics energy in - energy out. The defecit is necessary otherwise whats the point?
  • get a pedometer and aim for 10000 steps per day of which I'm certain the 12 mins to and from work would give you 2000 towards.
  • I lost some colon and a few feet of small intestine some years ago and was badly constipated having no movement in 3 weeks. It needed to be gentle as I hadnt long had the op. I was given Senokot - which is basically Senna pods which are natural and I was very relieved when it worked after a day or two.
  • I use my regular bike with a turbo trainer
  • The rudest thing was said by the BMI calculator on MFP - at just over 30 I was in the 'obese' category although of course I'm 'big boned' so it doesnt count! Pleased to be now merely 'overweight at a 26.6 BMI........
  • I made a lifestyle choice to change my diet and exercise routines. Christmas and New year celebrations made no difference, I still said no to most stuff people were filling thier faces with and if I did over do the cals I made sure I burned it off on the treadmill. Pretty much same as I was a month ago 182lbs
  • 25lbs off since April, running up to 13.5 miles. Fitter and healthier than ever. Bring it on marathon in 2012
  • I looked for a healthy take out (something I rarely have) and find the best option is a lamb shish kebab with all the salad and no fries or sauce. Its just chunks of lean lamb in a pitta with lots of salad and tastes great
  • sorry must have misread this - I thought it said how much of the US gained weigh this Christmas and was going to answer 'most of em' ...... only kidding!
  • even the salads at McDs have a large calorie count if you have the dressings. Best to just avoid the place and find somewhere healthier! The only thing I have there is the coffee and porridge (oatmeal).... :)
  • ah OK New Plymouth - west coast a big area....:smile:
  • I am guessing somewhere like Raglan? or further north Muriwai? I lived in NZ for 5 years - Morrinsville (waikato) and Auckland. An observation about Auckland - EVERYONE gets up early and runs!
  • Thanks - rarely go more than an hr - for some reason I was motivated to carry on - music helped and I have it really loud and play air guitar and drums while running sometimes! I aim for an hr and after 1st minute I tell myself thats a 60th... 2 mins thats a 30th 5 mins is a 12th, 10 mins is a 6th 12 mins is a 5th and by…
  • interesting. My treadmill registers approx 700 cals/hr at 10kmh but when I put it in MFP it gives me nearly 1000 so theres a 25% difference between the machine and MFP. Looks like a similar story on the stationary bike then. Its all pretty academic and never going to be 100% its just a guide. Even the food intake calories…