

  • There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat.. U want to lose 2 lb or 3 lb at the most.. How old are u? Here's a whole chart of BMI and body fat, so see where your age fits on here.. Use the fat %, take 170 lb, times it by whatever % under ur age. Example: 170 x.20 (20%) = 34 lb. U must lose 34 lb of fat too.. That's another…
  • This site somehow figures out your BMR using your current weight.. While becoming a trainer I learned how to figure out your BMR and calorie expenditure... carefully read through my info here copied and pasted from my nutrition packet. You take body weight x 10 = BMR or resting metabolic rate. That's how many calories your…
  • (Nutrition label procedures) Figure A Fat = 9 calories per gram Sat. Fat = 9 calories per gram Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram Protein = 4 calories per gram (Find the percentage of calories from each nutrient) Figure B Fat = 20 – 35% Sat. Fat = 10% or less Carbohydrates = 45 – 65% Protein = 15 – 35% Example nutrition…
  • Have u figured out what your BMR is first? Body weight x 10 = That's your big # of calories your body is burning during rest and sleep, and for digestion. Then u take that # and calculate it with your activity factor. Look at this chart, pick the # and multiply it with your BMR. U have to eat less than your calorie…