pinkzinnia716 Member


  • Hi all, Just wondering how everyone's doing with PiYo? I had two great weeks of it and was down four pounds -- then I had an insanely stressful week and was at my desk 12-14 hours/day and it was all I could do to get dog walks in...and, of course, I ate at my desk and essentially ate anything that wasn't glued to my…
  • I'm in, too. I'm going to add 2-3 HIIT routines (the 15-20 minute routines) from Turbo Fire to the mix, once I get the moves mastered (I always find that routines seem easiest when I'm the worst at them; I think it takes a little time for me to focus on using my muscles and not just listening to the directions and going…
  • Hi, I started a week ago today and love it, too. While I've been a fan of a few different programs by Chalene Johnson, I think this is one I can really stick with long term. I actually look forward to the workouts every day and after just a week, I'm already feeling a bit stronger and more flexible. Any idea as to calorie…
  • Hi, sorry for the delayed response regarding the 5:2 Fast Diet. There's lots of good information online about it but in a nutshell, you reduce your calories to a very low number two days per week (the plan recommends 500 for women and 600 for men), then eat 'normally' the rest of the days, and the low calories days can be…
  • Hi all, I recently joined MFP and just joined this group. I'm also starting the 5:2 Fast Diet today. I know there are some other groups that focus on that plan but I'm particularly interested in experiences those of us who are into our 40s have had with it? In a nutshell, I was a skinny kid and gained about 80 pounds…