Dr_Mouse Member


  • @hekla90: Good gracious, my bmi is exactly the same...15.8, and I don't feel truly sick or think I look terrible (in fact, some days I think I look pretty darn good). Even though I'm thin -- an ideal that the media has made out to be "desirable" and a big accomplishment -- I know I'm not healthy...I can tell because of the…
  • Thank you everyone for your thoughts and insights. I feel a little better knowing many of my fears are a result of Ed verbalizing ways to keep me trapped. And yeah, I'm going to try to tell the assessment therapist exactly how I feel...I've heard it's better to be totally honest during this kind of visit than sweeping…
  • Hey there, I know exactly what you're going through because I suffer with the same sort of mentality. Starting at around sixteen, I began to fixate on body image, "healthy" eating and exercise. By the beginning of this year, I'd developed the idea that I had to "diet" or eat below maintenance to achieve any sort of self…
  • BMI is under the healthy range...I'd like to put on muscle, but I'm also afraid of putting on fat. I haven't drank juice or pop for so long, I hate the taste now. And I generally stay away from processed foods as much as possible. I'm not an athlete, but I work out every day, usually 30 min of cardio and 30 minutes of…
  • So I've been experimenting this past week with calorie cycling... seems to work pretty well for losing those last few percentages of body fat. Another week or two and I will be at the end of the marathon... Now, I have a new and very real concern: how do I get abs without becoming UNDERWEIGHT? The abs are popping through,…
  • Yes, just four or five days of bad overeating can set a person way behind! Any foods I should particularly avoid? Any foods you'd recommend for their nutrient value?
  • So I incorporate more weightlifting in my workout sched? I feel like I've hit a wall and I can't push past it...I've become much leaner, but I feel like the more I'm restricting calories, the more my body is holding onto the fat...what are your thoughts on calorie cycling? Has it been effective for you, and if so, what…
  • Thank you for the insightful and helpful post! There's a lot of information here that I think is quite relevant, and I've heard many of your suggestions echoed on fitness websites elsewhere. I am giving StrongLifts 5x5 a try.... You mentioned strength training 5 days a week. What does a typical week of strength training…
  • Gee guys, thanks for the insights! @MityMax96: You are looking SUPER! Apparently, whatever you did, it WORKED! I see a lot of hard work and perseverance in your results! :) Ok, now for some stats: I'm 5'3.5", 105, 18 yrs old. I'm female, having trouble putting on muscle (geesh, what girl doesn't?) So this post is more…
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