

  • Okay people I've been eating "properly" for a while now based on your advice. Normal stuff porridge and protein shakes etc. Pretty much stuff from insanity nutrition guide though not his brand. Still improving on exercises and 2nd for test shower major improvement however... My weight has increased from the stable 84.4 kg…
  • Appreciate that advice. Yeah 900 wasn't much! I'm just hoping the weight doesn't come back again!
  • Okay had ready Brek with honey! Just had. Omelette with extra egg whites ( as per the insanity diet) What I can't find out is whether I'm allowed ketchup.. I am a ketchup fiend and love the stuff .. Omelette takes bland to me without it.. Any ideas please people!
  • People I really am not a troll. In fact I cannot think of anything more pointless than wasting people's time who are trying to help. I have absolutely taken your advice and I will update you on where my weight and physique go from here! Porridge and honey for breakfast! Looking forward to it! What's the latest people eat?…
  • this is all great news! I was really getting pissed off with eating sweet FA!! Thanks again everyone for your feedback, good or bad!
  • thats perfect!! I really appreciate you taking the time to look that it! I will use exactly those figures.. Should I avoid eating too late? Too early?
  • okay my tdee is 3400 calories a day! So if i eat a massive3000 calories a day of healthy things, I will lose weight? Really? Also would the insanity be sufficient daily exercise? It only last 40 mins currently?
  • Wow that's really really good advice and I appreciate it greatly!
  • What's spot reduction?
  • Fats needed.. Not saturates though.. A curry for instance I am craving like hell!
  • 100% changing diet! Your comments have been a real reality check! I honestly haven't dieted before and therefore am truly ignorant to the logic of what you're telling me. I did think that it probably would return after so it does all makes sense!
  • Wow harsh stuff! I am listening to all your advice actually. So let's say I have my 3 meals as before and throw in. 3 more equating to another 800 calories. Say 2 boiled eggs and grilled chicken and an apple. My bmr apparently is 1934 so that'll be about 1600 calories. Would that help?
  • That sounds good stef! Will that continue to work on the insanity? People will say I'm mad doing insanity on 500 calories twice a week!
  • I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet! You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!! Insanity on 1000 calories!!! I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!
  • Thanks for you helpful response! So if I eat a few boiled eggs and maybe some more fish etc I won't put on weight?
  • I agree with that! I am doing pretty well during exercises with my limited diet! Admittedly I keep getting blackouts when I stand up!!
  • I'm afraid yes about 1000 a day. I appreciate that's low but to me, logic suggests eating more will simply reverse the weight loss. I did lose a hell of a lot before starting the workout. It's departed all my body but my damn belly!!!!
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