

  • It seems we have similar weigh ins and goals! Except for my age(IM ALMOST 40)! Please let me know any ideas that seem to be working for you in weight lose! I have a very busy life and need quick meal ideas! Good Luck!
  • My name is Lesley and I am a Mother of 3 (18 yr old, 13 yr old and 4 yr old) plus a step Mom to 2 more(12 and 6). My life is never dull but having to make meals for all the kids and finishing there plates is what I do! I am turning 40 in a week and going to Mexico in August so I NEED to feel and look AWESOME! I currently…
  • Ill be 40 mid February and have officially named this year MINE! I am a Mother to 3 of my own children and step Mom to 2 more. They range from 18yrs old-4. With that I just don't have the motivation to move or watch what I eat. I joined this site hoping to find support and motivation along with recipes to help me lose the…
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