Looking for friends who have similar goals

I would like to feel at least somewhat good about how I look before I turn 40 this year. I am hoping to be below 200 pounds by mid-March. I haven't been there in years! I would like to lose a total of about 60-65 pounds. Sometimes, it is so hard for me to believe that I let myself get this heavy. I spent my 30's being quite overweight and I am done with that! If you can relate to anything in my post and want to be friends, let me know!


  • SuzyQ290711
    SuzyQ290711 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I'm right there with ya! Getting close to the Five-O, and ready to shed the baggage. Logging daily and exercise should get me there. Feel free to add me, thanks! :smile:
  • pepper176
    pepper176 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm about to turn 30. I spent the majority of my 20s much heavier than I've ever been or want to be, and I'm determined to make my next decade the best of my life. I'll be sending you a friend request!
  • I can completely relate to not seeing a number below 200 in quite a long time... you're doing a great job and March will be here before you know it!! :smile: :smile:
  • You can do it, chopperkat! The battle is in the mind. I have lost about 55 pounds and still have over 100 to go, but I have found that the only thing that works for me is to daily immerse myself in positivity - I read, watch, listen to, and think nutrition, exercise, recovery, etc. 24/7. If I start losing focus, my program starts slipping. Watch the weight loss vlogs and such on Youtube, read books, watch "My 600 lb. Life" - anything that keeps your health and fitness in focus for you. Many best wishes to you!
  • FelixaVK
    FelixaVK Posts: 7 Member
    I know exactly what you feel. I am 42 and I am tired of being big... So I hope we can work this out together... I don't want to buy more "heavy" cloth... my goal, as your, is to loose at least 50 pounds by April... my weight right now is 214.:sad:
  • You all can feel free to add me too! I am 27 and I also cannot wait for the scale to be under that 200 mark, but I still got a long way to go (like 32 pounds) BOOO. But I know with the support and tracking everything, that I can do it!
  • I just turned 39 last month and set a list of 39 'goals' to achieve while 39- I only have until 1/10/15...to get this list knocked out!! tick tock tick tock...
    my main goal is to be the healthies, fittest, strongest and HAPPIEST me I've ever been-at 40!

    I hope you're successful and I hope everyone on the same journey is as well!!

  • Ill be 40 mid February and have officially named this year MINE! I am a Mother to 3 of my own children and step Mom to 2 more. They range from 18yrs old-4. With that I just don't have the motivation to move or watch what I eat. I joined this site hoping to find support and motivation along with recipes to help me lose the 25lbs I need. I want to feel better about myself and be a HOT MAMA by summer. Through my recent yoga experience I am trying to be more positive about life. Losing the extra 25lbs will help immensely as I honestly never thought Id get over 115. Turning 40 to me is VERY difficult so this weight lose will help get me through!!!! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETEHR!
  • seaberry09
    seaberry09 Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well! I am 37, a mum of two littles and so ready to stat taking care of myself for a change. Looking forward to hitting the 100's and saying goodbye to the 200's forever. Shouldn't be too much longer...I'm at 202.5 as of yesterday. Hoping to lose 30-50lbs. Yeah, I'm undecided about my goal. :)

    Let's do this thing!
  • thunderthyghz
    thunderthyghz Posts: 45 Member
    I am looking to get below 200 as well!!! I am still in my 20s....feel free to add everyone!!!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    I can very much relate. Although I started my journey last year. I just turned 39 this last Dec and boy does it get harder to lose weight the older you get. I was doing really well the first 10 months.....to make a long story short I got burnt out! I ended up taking about 3 months off with very little working out and with not so good eating. Needless to say I gained 17lbs back pretty quickly. Been back at it since Dec, Just trying to make this a life style change and not a sprint. Feel free to add me (anyone) I deleted a bunch of friends today that either haven't been on for months or I feel like I cheer them on on a regular basis but getting nothing in return. Looking for friends who want to do it the right way.....eating clean and working out. Not here to support people who take diet pills and or shakes to replace 2-3 meals.
  • manda79rn
    manda79rn Posts: 45 Member
    You can 100% do it.. and don't beat yourself up over "what you've let yourself do" just change it now... :)

    I turn 35 in 18 days and this is the healthiest, thinnest, fittest I've EVER been and it's been a hell of a journey and I have years and years to go. This site is helpful but you have to want it and I have no doubt you do! :)

    Good luck!
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    I have daughters the age of most of the ladies that have responded to you but feel free to add me if you would like. I started on MFP in Jan of last year, but started on WW in Oct of 2012 at 270 lbs. I am 5"8" and have gone from a 22 plus and a 3x top to a 14 pant and a M-L top. I know how hard it is and I will support anyone that is serious about this journey. I have not missed a day of logging since I started and that and my food journal are the most important things in my daily life. It takes commitment to succeed.
    Anyone can add me, but if you are not serious please don't. I make comments to all my friends daily and would like the same from you. Good luck on your journey.