morefit_bec Member


  • Banana bread. I got a loaf of it for my birthday instead of a birthday cake, and it disappeared within 24 hours. So it's not allowed to come into my house again unless I instantly individually wrap up slices.
  • Congratulations! :) Although it's uncomfortable having to deal with clothes that are too big, it's a great feeling knowing there's proof your change in habits are working! The other day I went to the theater and I wore my only dress, but it had to be safety pinned because it was too big and falling off. Even though we did…
  • Congratulations! I just reached 24.8 two weeks ago and I was very excited. :)
  • 12 more days for me. I'm doing well, although I'm very curious to see how much I've lost since I know I've slimmed down quite a bit. My endurance is definitely improving when working out, and I can almost do a full push-up (this sounds really pathetic, but I could barely hold myself up a month ago so I see this as great…
  • 3/1: 5.46 miles 3/2: 4.50 mi 3/3: 3.33 mi 3/4: 6.18 mi 3/5: 2.53 mi 3/6: 0.58 mi (pedometer died mid-day and I didn't notice; I really did walk more than that) 3/7: 1.59 mi Total miles this week: 24.17 Avg. per day: 3.45 mi/day
  • Two years ago I used to put 2 sugar packets in my coffee plus quite a bit of creamer. Last year I reduced it to one sugar and by December I quit adding sugar in altogether. Now I'm still working up to taking my coffee black, but I just add about half a tablespoon of creamer.
  • Went to the State Fair, but I ate healthier before I left and only ate less than half of a funnel cake! And that was my only snack food while there. I resisted temptation to buy all those other treats and I didn't even have a soda. I was really worried about my self-control in going, but I did great. Also, I discovered I'm…
  • I used to never buy new clothes unless things were falling off me, but I just realized today that I am ready to buy some new clothes since all but three of my nicer shirts are too big and are falling off of me. I'm going to use thrift shops to buy new clothes since a lot of them may not end up fitting me again in a few…
  • March 1st- 5.46 miles March 2nd- 4.50 miles March 3rd- 3.33 miles (I wasn't going to walk at all since I wasn't feeling well, but an hour before midnight I changed my mind although that's all I got in)
  • These are all really inspiring! I read through them all and decided to make my own, even though I'm just starting out on my journey. Maybe in a few months I'll be able to share my own accomplishments. Here's my story behind this picture- This picture is a few years old so you might notice how small my arms/legs are…
  • 5'2" Age 21 Current weight: 138 Goal weight: 120ish, don't really care so long as I'm healthier and more fit Size 12-14
  • The past few days have been tougher to stay away from the scale, but I'm determined to wait until March 25th to check. It's so tempting to check since I've been eating right and exercising steadily, but it should be worth the wait.
  • Whenever I look at Nutrition labels, I think back to a Food Science competition I did back in middle school. They gave us the nutrition information for a ton of different pizza toppings, so we had to design a pizza and market it, including all the nutrition information. I was manning the design and the nutrition…
  • Today was my Day 1 of no scales. And it was actually kind of relieving since yesterday I ate more than I intended at a family party and so the scale probably would've gone up. I'm also on Day 8 of consecutively tracking the cardio/exercises I do and liquid consumed in my journal. I'm still pretty weak since I've been so…
  • I'll join. I'm 21 and only have about 20 or so pounds that I want to lose, so it isn't coming off as quickly and it'll only slow down as I get closer to my goal. I accidentally got in the habit of weighing myself daily so I need to break the habit now before I let that number mean more to me than overall health which is my…
  • I'm 21 and 5'2. Right now I weigh 137, and my goal weight is around 120-125. My short-term goal is just to reach 135 so I can be out of the "overweight" BMI. Really though, I'm looking to become more fit (and lose a few pants sizes), rather than any particular weight. I want to be healthier instead of focused on a number.…
  • I'm down about 4 lbs, and I can't tell the difference, but I fit into some old pants and my extra-large shorts fall off me if I start to run. Yesterday I reluctantly tried on a shirt that I really liked but that had gotten too tight to be comfortable, and much to my excitement it fit perfectly and looked really flattering.…
  • I don't quite have an ideal size, but getting to size 8 would be nice. Right now I'm at 12 (was 14 and in a few styles I wasn't able to fit that even though it was their largest size), but I am able to fit (still a bit tight, but I can wear them if I need to) into some of my old size 10 pants. Really though, I just want to…
  • I used to be a very picky eater for the first 20 years of my life. Right now, I'm still making the change into eating more things, both for health and so I won't make faces any time I have to eat something I dislike in front of people. All these people saying "Time to be an adult and eat real food" oversimplify the issue…