Damn girl, that is crazy impressive! I think I can do... 5? Maybe? You should be very proud of yourself! My NSV for today is that I bought 3 chocolate bars as a thank you gift for a coworker and didn't decide to just have one of the the 3 for myself. Yay self control!
Agreed with the others. It basically feels like hell. No sleep, anxiety, extremely hot all the time, have to go number 2 all the time (sorry if that's TMI!), extremely irritable (like, it almost destroyed my marriage before I knew what was happening to me), super fast heart rate (my resting heart rate was 100-110bpm), I…
Hi there! I don't have a thyroid either, so I feel your pain. I know how frustrating it is to feel like you're trying to swim upstream in regards to weight loss. I put on 40 lbs after my thyroidectomy and it's been a struggle to take it off since. I've noticed that I have to eat a little less than people the same weight…