maj1958 Member


  • Body glide should do the trick until you get where you need to be. It goes on kind of like a deodorant stick It also is great to use if your sandals rub your feet or If you run and and you get chafing from bra or tank. They sell it at sports stores
  • I am just over 5'6 and if I weighed 119 I would be dead! Based on normal sized women I know that are my height I would say a good weight would be anywhere Fromm 130 -160 depending on your build .
  • To make it simple, it is always better to give your muscles time to heal after a workout. If you do upper body one day and lower body another you can do that. Supersets are a good way to get a complete workout. Basically you can do one set of exercises that targets the muscles on the front followed right away by muscles…
  • I have done Zumba for years and consistently could burn upwards of 600 calories in a high energy class based on my HRM. Secret is to keep full range of motion with both arms and legs and keep moving all the time. Amounts may vary based on your size but either way, it is a fun workout.
  • Try looking at the Champion website.
  • I am just reaching the one year point after having surgery to repair my Achilles. Prior to the surgery I was unable to work out for nine months. I too had pain in my Achilles I pretty much ignored it until it became so painful I couldn't work out. By the time I got an MRI I had so much damage and scar tissue that I had to…
  • You get way more bang for your buck not holding on. You engage your entire core and many more leg muscles. If balance is an issue, try some balance exercises off the treadmill to get more comfortable. Balance work is underrated in the gym. I work some balance int every workout and I have to say I haven't fallen on ice and…
  • I have had high LDL levels for a long time. I was confused because tryglicerides were very low , glucose low and HDL very good. It turns out that I have hereditary high cholesterol. Luckily I exercise regularly and eat a fairly clean diet but even at that, I still need to take a low dose of statins to keep ldl's in check.…
  • All Pilates involves strengthening the core. I have been doing reformer Pilates for several years and have developed a very strong core. Hands down the best ab exercises I know of. It is different because it targets all ab muscles not just the six pack
    in Pilates Comment by maj1958 March 2014
  • I am 5'6 1/2 with a fairly large muscular frame. Between 150 and 160 is a sustainable goal for me. Below that and I have trouble maintaining. Above that and I am not comfortable. It is all about what weight you feel good at and can maintain without taking drastic measures to maintain a number.
  • If you cook your own food, at least you know exactly what you are eating. Just look at some of the MFP nutrition values for homemade items vs restaurant or prepared ones. Cooking is becoming a lost art.
  • Let's face it,Cottage cheese needs sodium to taste like anything. So many benefits, I say go low fat and don't worry about the sodium.
  • One way to test if your Achilles is involved is to see if you can do a single toe raise. If you can't , get to a doc ASAP. I had similar issues as you and ignored them until it was too physically painful to work out. Bottom line, I had an Achilles tear that didn't heal and built all kinds of scar tissue. I had to have…
  • Now is not the time to focus on weight loss. You need to be very careful about what you eat. Remember everything that you eat should be geared towards helping your body heal. I had Achilles surgery last year and created a few exercises. 1) The bed roll up. Lay sideways on your bed with your legs hanging over at the knee.…
  • Try reformer Pilates. You can obtain nice muscle definition as well as improve balance and flexibility. There are many modifications available that can allow you to get a good workout even on a bad day.
  • I feel your pain. I too have huge problems losing weight no matter what I do. The bottom Line is your body is going to do what your body is going to do. You should be proud of the hard work you have done and how your efforts have paid off in good health. You can obsess about weighing food and counting calories but that can…