

  • Firstly welcome, ive been on MFP for a while but only just got back into it myself, from tomorrow onwards im going to be on a low-carb diet to help with my PCOS and hoping to regular my periods to get pregnant etc. Your more than welcome to add me as a friend so we can chat and share tips etc. xx
  • Firstly welcome! We are all in this together and eventually with the support of others you will be at your goal! :) I am 22 years and a heafty 202lbs which means i have a long way to go to lose weight but with the support i get from MFP and the people and motivation I am slowly getting there its great to keep track of your…
  • Hey! I know that feeling only too well, if u ever feel like you need to "binge" then just pm someone and tell them how u feel unfortunatley I live in the UK so time zone is a problem i tend to message my friend when i feel a craving coming on and she usually motivates me by saying "how much do u have to work out to burn…