

  • I do the wet towel trick but have never heard of the white veinegar idea. I will definitely give that one a try!! Either way, cooking on the George is no where near as messy as having oil splatter all over the stovetop!! long live George!
  • wonder how to count this on my food diary. . ie: how many calories in a serving?? sounds delish
  • I wish there was a way to skip past the intro stuff on the dvd. Maybe it's my player??? I guess I want to be able to put it in and go immediately to the screen where I can choose what l want (recommendations, workout etc) and then straight to chosing my level and go at it. Anyone have any ideas??
  • I did get back to the grind. I only skipped that 1 day. I felt ok with what I was able to do. . . . pretty much the same as day 1! yeah I've got those saddlebags too!!
  • Great tip. . .I hate those too! Pushups are a real riot for me too. I know I have terrible form and my ole arthritis knees scream at me.
  • day 3 Level 1 done woohoo. Still struggling big time w/ pushups, jacks but I know they will come and if they don't, that's ok too. I am doing better just by doing what I have so far. yay
  • bummed at myself today. . .skipped and it's only day 2. Mother Nature came on with a vengence. . .sorry if TMI. . . but I'll make myself get back to it later this week. By then I'll feel like I'm starting over. I should have known to wait. . . . .thanx for letting me rant on myself. It's hard being 44. . .my mom reminds me…
  • Oh I SOOOO know what you mean!! I wore a spaghetti strap type top. . not alot of support. Have learned my lesson! Just about came away with 2 black eyes lol. If you have the "pooch" like me (& no, folks we are not talking the 4 legged kind) tht kinda hurts too when it bounces. But 1 day soon that will be gone. It didn't…
  • thanks Lilsuzie! will go do that now! I bo't my dvd for $9 @ walmart. I was using 8# on My Fitness Coach & other strength ex. but went to 5# for Shred since this is higher reps. I heard/read somewhere that higher reps/lower weights were ideal for what I needed. I know I couldn't pull it off with the 8#ers on Shred!
  • I started day 1 today and ohmygosh!!! I kept telling myself, this will get easier. . . .umm. . ok. . . My problems "areas" on the dvd was the jumping jacks. Yep something so easy got the best of me(& it's part of the warmup, yikes!). I'm weighing in at 268 w/ osteoarthritis knees so it was painful. It was also difficult to…
  • I found a facebook page devoted entirely to crockpotting. Just search under "slow cooker recipes' or something like that. Great message board.
  • I went to wallyworld tonite and bo't a gal. of the GV tea. I'll give it a try tomorrow. It's really economically priced too. But I am so picky on my tea. My husband makes the best. We'll see how this lives up to my expectations!!
  • just wondering. . . is the calorie count including the sauce? I doubt I will make the sauce. Need to know how to enter it in my food diary. This sounds delish!
  • oops, thot Anna was going t tell Roman but nosuch luck. I have a feeling she'll be the one who sinks the ship. And what is in that box that Viv has fixed up for Melanie? Oh Anna is leaving the baby with the security guard???? that't bright.
  • Sometimes I feel like I am watching High School Musical Salem-style ! No offense to HSM fans out there but geesh, I get so tired of hearing the whining and stuff from Will, Mia and all their friends. Steph & Nathan are just as bad. I guess I am used to some actual actors being on the show. I've been watching since before…
  • Mrs. Dash all the way!