thingo Member


  • Progressing your OHP is the hardest for sure. So don't feel bad! Adding 5lbs will seem like a big jump (let us know how you go with it!). I am looking into buying my own fractional plates to increase my OHP ever so slightly. In the meantime, I will continue to do 5x5 OHP at the highest weight I can do, and also throw in…
  • The front of your thighs being sore: This might indicate that you're using your quads when you squat rather than your hamstrings and glutes. My cue would be to concentrate on squeezing your butt and pressing your knees outward when you squat. Hope this helps!
  • I'm on Team No Glove these days. Ditched the gloves and now using hook-grip when I need to and improving my grip strength overall.
    in Gloves? Comment by thingo October 2013
  • I wouldn't over think it. Mehdi goes in to great detail about what to do for warmup but I was a bit confused. For warmup, I personally: - 2-3 mins of movement/cardio just to get warm and supple (this could be skip, row, jog) - stretch (air squats, couch stretch, hammy stretch, shoulder stretch and mobility, wrists -…
  • Be patient :) It will get heavier and harder very quickly.