

  • Don't forget, that first mile to mile and a half is always rough, till you get good and warmed up. If you can hang in there through the first couple miles, then you'll be feeling a lot better. You'll be warmed up, you'll find that comfy pace, and your breathing will fall into a rhythm. It's okay to take it nice and slow.
  • Gotta give a shout out to Andy Hunter! (if you like techno)
  • I use Target's C9 stuff too, have been wearing the same shirts/tights for 3 years now. No complaints :) And I want to put a plug in for Body Glide, this stuff you can apply to your skin in areas where clothes (or watches or ipods) chafe. It's amazing stuff. I even use it to keep my Garmin from slipping around on my wrist.
  • Don't worry about what you look like! Only people who don't run MIGHT glance, but runners, when they see you? They will be thinking, "Ah, I bet they are having fun! Wish I could get out there too."
  • If I could just add~make sure you have good shoes for running, that are fit right for your feet. You can go to a running store and they will help you with shoes. Runners World has info to help you find out what kind of feet you have and what kind of shoes you need (i.e. flat feet, high arches, if you walk on inside or…
  • I would start with a 5k :) Runners World has a beginners training link, and you'll find a "Couch to 5K" plan there that is really good. Except I don't know if you have previous running experience. But Couch to 5K is a great place for beginning runners to start.
  • You will love it! I feel like I run faster on the road, it feels easier for some reason, time goes by faster, maybe because of all the distractions of being outside.