mschristmas Member


  • It has been a year and a half since surgery and I still make a larger portion than I can actually eat. The good news is I will sometimes save it for lunch the next day. Or my family has gotten very used to waiting until I have finished to claim whatever is left on my plate. Lol They are like vultures. Hahaha!!
  • Move as much as you can. Drink what you can. Do both all day. Take your pain killers and just know that it gets better. So much better. It has been the best decision of my life. I'm 14 months post op and down over 110 pounds.
  • Take your measurements. It is helpful on weeks like that. Sometimes you loose fat but gain muscle when you are working out. That leaves you with a big fat frustrating zero on the scale. But since one pound of fat is smaller than one pound of muscle, the measurements can help ease your frustrations on those weeks.