lalexcox Member


  • Agreed. Totally great guy. On another note, I had no idea your heart could develop an extra artery... wow.
  • Thank you all for the support and advice! graceisjinxed, I'll definitely keep that quote saved. I can think of a few situations where it is a good thought. sun_fish, I'm going to read more of the success stories. Hopefully I'll have my own eventually. DellaWiedel, I've added you as a friend. Thank you.
  • Let's kick this thread back up. I'm in Steele Creek near Rivergate.
  • My weight loss has been as much a psychological journey as a physical one. My weight loss doctor had me take an assessment that helped isolate that I'm an emotional eater, so much of my program has been identifying the difference between hunger and cravings. I don't think anyone would or should expect you to quit something…
  • First post, not to wholly disagree, but to express my own thoughts on what you've said. They are estimations, but for me they work well as a guideline, especially when making choices among similar foods, food substitutions, and tracking what and how much I eat. The numbers give what I'm eating a value, and I keep track…