roger711 Member


  • Well Dani, you have to like coconut. Because it gives everything that slight coconut flavor. A jar I got at at Whole Foods was like $9.99 for about 16 oz. So I bought mine at Costco. It was also $9.99, but for 54 oz. A little goes a long way. I shop at Trader Joe's also, but have not tried their coconut oil.
    in Coconut oil Comment by roger711 May 2013
  • Since we are on a salmon thread here, I thought I would post what I made for dinner tonight. I went to the gym tonight and weight trained for about 75 minutes, came home, had a protein shake and then started thinking about dinner. I had some salmon in the frig that I just cut up. I usually buy a couple of sides of salmon,…
    in salmon Comment by roger711 May 2013
  • Deb, the coconut oil you should look for is extra virgin, which means that there is no heat applied to it to extract the oil. Like extra virgin olive oil. Not heated.........pressed cold. Some of them will say expeller coconut oil. That means the oil is extracted by putting the coconut in a centrifuge. That is the best…
    in Coconut oil Comment by roger711 May 2013
  • Coconut oil is a solid. So it may not work with a salad. But I mix it into oatmeal or into a smoothie or right on the spoon. Tastes pretty good. But like with any fats, in moderation. It is also a great moisturizer for your face, hands, feet, hair. It has so many uses. You can search online for the uses of coconut oil and…
    in Coconut oil Comment by roger711 May 2013
  • Ok, spaghetti squash is easy for me. I will try and explain. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Cut the spaghetti squash in half lengthwise. Like any winter squash, hacking it up takes muscle and a sharp knife. It's also a bit more work to scrape out the seeds and pulp when they are raw. Just get in there and cut it in…
  • Deb, thanks for your feedback, it is always appreciated. One thing I noticed with my son is that they have to want to do it. When I tried to get my son to do it, he was very resistant to it. Then one day he came to me because as he put it, he was fed up with his body. Now he is about 170 Lbs. He is so proud of himself. I…
  • Terrie, thank you for your feedback. I feel it is a very intelligent point of view and the only way to do it is to do it smartly. i think it is very important that each of us are in touch with our own bodies. In weight lifting we call it the mind/body connection. Thanks again.
  • Deb, I will tell you what I do. Now it will be a little different from what you would probably do, but you can get some ideas. You need to eat after your workout because you need to refuel your muscles. Every meal I eat is geared towards my next workout. That is my mindset. I eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of body…
  • Well on most of the labels I have read, it says it can be taken as a supplement. I would assume that would mean to take it plain. I get mine at whole foods for about $9.99 a jar. But they have it at Costco for the same price, but the container is double the size then at Whole Foods.
  • Deb: Salmon is great. I have said it before, the greatest travesty is over cooking fish. I use salmon allot because of the healthy fats. Although I either get the whole fish, bone it and cut it up or buy the sides of salmon and cut it up and then I portion it and freeze it. I am starting slow here because what may seem as…
    in salmon Comment by roger711 April 2013
  • Terre, Like I said previously, I am not a medical doctor so there will be no medical advice. That being said, you are a diabetic, which presents a whole different set of challenges and something I know nothing about. I do know that you need to control your carbs, among other things. I would not take any advice from me or…
  • Well Deborah, welcome to the group. MFP is a great too to help control everything. I am of the belief that if you don't know the score, then how can you play the game? I am a weight lifter and a body builder, so my nutritional requirements are probably different from yours, but I am sure we can all learn from each other. I…
  • I just prefer steel cut oats. For me, rolled oats just turns into mush when it is cooked. Steel cut oats retains some body and some bite when you eat it. Personal preference. There are some brands out there that are quite costly at $7-$8 a package. The steel cut oats that I use are a brand called "Bob's Red Mill." They are…
  • Thanks for posting and welcome to the group Kitchenpenguin. I may jump around here so I apologize in advance. First of all I am a skinny chef, but wasn't always. As a chef, you always have to taste, but you don't have to eat. Tasting is one thing, eating a meal of the dish is another. I am 6'2" and at my heaviest I was 245…
  • Salmon is a good one. The greatest travesty is to over cook fish. Beyond that, when I make salmon I do simple lemon pepper, sometimes i will do BBQ salmon with a little sauce, or how about after cooking it top it with a vinaigrette. General rule for a vinaigrette is 2 parts oil (EVOO) and 1 part vinegar. Or lemon juice.…
    in salmon Comment by roger711 April 2013
  • Terrie, Welcome to the group. Hopefully we can share so great information among the group members. One peice of advice I can give you is that you need to know what you're putting into your body, so you should follow a pretty set diet. It is kind of like a baseball or football team. Knowing the stats. How can you play the…
  • Hi Dani, I am also a weight lifter and body builder. It is how I stay in shape. i know nothing about your situation and am not a medical doctor. So no medical advice. I will tell you what I do though. In order to build muscle, lose fat and be healthy, one of the things you need to do is know and control your macros. By…
  • I have to say this. I am not a doctor so no medical advice. Avoid soda, even diet, avoid fast food. Eat real food, fresh veggies. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water a day. If you don't have filter on your refrigerator, get a Brita filtered pitcher for in your frig and like I said drink 8 glasses a day. This is the…
  • I grill the usual such as asparagus, zucchini, yellow squash, onions. I will grill tomatoes, eggplant, corn on the cob. The sky's the limit. You can make any kind of vinaigrette and toss the vegetables with it. But if you use oil, be careful about the extra calories. The general proportions for a vinaigrette are 2:1,…