

  • :flowerforyou: Welcome!!! I have been here for only 2 weeks and have found SO MUCH encouragement and motivation!!! It really makes you accountable for what you are eating when you have to record it!!! Good luck to you!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey! I have this same problem.....and unfortunately due to finding out last month that my sister has colon I have family history of cancer. I have always had problems with chronic constipation, so I went to a gastroenterologist to schedule myself for a colonoscopy. He told me to take Miralax everyday. Just put…
  • My thyroid was tested about 2-3 years ago...and was normal. I think I may get it tested again, just to be sure! Thanks for the suggestion! Fortunately my daughter is a hair stylist and she has been able to recommend products to make my hair appear thicker! Thanks!!!! :-)
  • I LOVE my merlot....and mixed drinks on the weekend! If I could totally give up drinking I would probably be pretty skinny!!!!! I have definintely cut down. I try and stay far away from sweet drinks....mostly wine or vodka and tonic for me!!! I'm looking for some skinny cocktail recipes!!! Cheers!!!:drinker:
  • Hey everyone! I am 48 years old....still have regular periods, no hot flashes yetbut I have begun to lose hair. It's very disturbing to I used to have a very thick head of hair, and now it's considerably thinner. I have very thin spots in the front of my head just about my forehead. I read that menopause may cause…
  • Welcome!!!! I am pretty much a newbie too...only joined two days ago! I LOVE This site...and wish I had found it sooner! Everyone here is very encouraging and helpful! We are all on the same journey to lose weight together! I find that knowing you have to input your food intake makes you really think about food choices!! I…
  • Yeah....I love everyone's optimism here!!!! I guess I have to start looking at menopause as just another phase of my life! I am 48, still have periods regularly every month, no hot flashes yet....but the thing that is bothering me the most is that I am losing hair!!!! Has anyone else had this problem????? This really…
  • Thanks Jilly! I have only been on my fitness pal for two days...but I LOVE how easy it is to go on and record your food and the exercise you've done. I think I finally found something that will work. I have tried everything...these stubborn 25 pounds just wont budge. Thanks for the encouragement!!! I am determined to get…